The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 1921-1940 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 1921

Cynthia was already furious.

She gritted her teeth and shouted: “Charlie! Don’t think that I, Cynthia, can be muddled. In the Wade family, my status is much higher than you! You better respect me!”

Charlie ignored her, but pointed to Orvel and pointed to the empty seat beside Cynthia.

Orvel understood, and immediately escorted Regnar to Cynthia’s side.

Afterwards, Charlie stretched out his hand, took off Regnar’s headgear, and smiled slightly when he looked at him: “Hello, Mr. Regnar, we meet again.”

“Wade… Charlie?!”

At this moment, Regnar’s whole person seemed to be split back and forth by thunder from the outside to the inside!

He couldn’t imagine that Charlie would actually appear in front of him!

Could it be…

Is it that he is behind all this today? !

How could he have so much energy? !

Seeing his horrified expression, Charlie said with a smile: “Mr. Regnar, it’s been a long time, but let me introduce you to the shrew next to you first.”

Cynthia observed Charlie with splitting eyes, gritted her teeth and said: “Charlie! Don’t go too far!”

Charlie ignored her and continued to speak to Regnar: “This shrew’s real name is not Roxa, but Cynthia. She is the eldest daughter of Wade’s family, and also my father’s sister and my aunt.”

“What?!” Regnar seemed to explode a nuclear bomb in his heart!

His scared voice trembled and said, “You…oh no…you! Are you really…you are really the Wade family?!”

Charlie smiled: “I am indeed the Wade family man, but it’s nothing great.”

Regnar shivered in a cold sweat and said, “Master…you…why didn’t you just say your identity! If I knew that you are from that great Family, I will definitely be the only one looking forward to it. , Even if you give me 10,000 courage, I dare not fight against you!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Regnar, don’t be so scared, look at you, your face is pale. This Wade family, it’s not as scary as you think,”

With that, he pointed to Cynthia beside him, and said, “Look, didn’t you tie up Wade’s daughter?”

Regnar was frightened and waved his hand again and again and said, “Master, you must not say that! This matter is entirely a matter of Noah and Harold’s two b@stards, and they told me that they were tying Elaine. I didn’t tell them to tie Ms. Wade. After I came, I realized that they were so courageous and tied Ms. Wade too!”

Charlie pointed at Cynthia and asked Regnar: “Did you beat her just now?”

Regnar looked like a dead father, choked up and said: “I was wrong…I really didn’t know the true identity of Ms. Wade…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Miss of Wade Family, is it fun?”

Regnar shook his head like a rattle.

Cynthia on the side looked so ugly and unbearable.

Regnar was frightened, and choked, “Master, I really didn’t know the identity of you and Ms. Wade. Otherwise, how can I dare to think of you two badly…”

Charlie looked at Regnar at this time and asked, “Mr. Regnar, have you ever thought about what will happen to the Wu family after today?”

When Regnar heard this, his whole body trembled violently.

Chapter 1922

How can he not know the next fate of the Wu family?

Cynthia would definitely fight with him.

And the Wade Family will definitely stand up for her.

The Wu family in its heyday was not enough to look at in front of the Wade family, not to mention the current Wu family, whose strength was mostly defeated by Charlie. At this time, in front of the Wade family, even the Wu were not counted as ants……

Regnar even felt that the Wade family might destroy his tortured family…

Thinking of this, he immediately choked up and pleaded: “Master and Ms. Wade, I didn’t know Your excellency and accidentally offended you. Please forgive me both of you…”

Cynthia was hating Charlie into her bones, but she didn’t dare to be too angry, so she directly directed all the anger at Regnar, gritted her teeth and cursed: “The surname is Wu, today, I, Cynthia, will definitely not spare you! Wait, I will let you die without a place to bury you!”

Regnar almost collapsed when he heard this.

Damaged family reputation and shrinking assets are acceptable.

However, if the Wade Family really wants to smash him to the end, how can he be able to handle it…

If the family is really ruined at that time, it will be all over!

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Charlie with red eyes, and pleaded to cry: “Master, please help me. This time is really a misunderstanding. If the Wade family can forgive me, I would like to confess all of my business’s 20% shares! I only ask you and Ms. Wade to raise your hands!”

Cynthia gritted her teeth and said: “Don’t say your 20% shares, even if it is 50% or 100%? In my eyes, it’s not even a bullsh*t!”

Charlie waved his hand: “Don’t, even a bullsh*t is not counted in your eyes, it’s pretty much in my eyes.”

After he finished speaking, he immediately said to Regnar: “Mr. Regnar, you not only kidnapped Mother-in-law but also my aunt. I am really a double victim of your actions today. Let’s adjust the 20% to 40%, in the future, follow my orders and I promise that the Wade family will not trouble you.”

When Regnar heard this, his heart was joyful and sad.

The good news is that now that Charlie has proposed a solution, he and the Wu family still have a chance to live.

Sadly, Charlie showed that he was cutting his own meat with a knife, and 40% of the shares were almost equivalent to cutting the entire Wu family.

Cynthia was reluctant at this time.

She has suffered too many grievances and disasters today.

And she couldn’t do anything to Charlie, so the only object of catharsis was Regnar.

If Charlie blocked Regnar’s catharsis, wouldn’t she have to find the father and son who kidnapped him? !

However, those are just two little guys, what can she do even if she kill their whole family?

Thinking of this, she yelled angrily: “Charlie! Whether to trouble him or not, it is not you who has the final say, but I have the final say! It is your grandfather who has the final say!”

Charlie said lightly: “I have already given Regnar a solution for this matter. As long as he agrees, it will be useless for any of you to object.”

With that, Charlie looked at Cynthia, his voice suddenly increased by an octave, and he said coldly: “Also! Don’t you think that I have not been in the Wade family for so many years, so I can let your Wade family at the mercy of me, let alone take me? When the marriage partner asks me to go back to help the Wade Family cling to other powerful people, I will never give the Wade Family this opportunity!”

“So, if you dare to calculate me behind my back next time, don’t blame me for disregarding my blood! Whether it is you or the other people in the Wade family, I will not let go!”

Cynthia was frightened by Charlie’s eyes and tone, but she roared incomparably: “Charlie! Do you think you have the ability to challenge the Wade family now? Your Emgrand Group, your 10 billion cash, no Is it all given by the Wade Family?! The Wade Family can hold you up and step on you! If there is no Wade Family, you are just a stinky rag without any foundation! With the strength of the Wade Family, you can be destroyed. Destroying Regnar is ten times, a hundred times easier for your case!”

Charlie looked at her hysterical self, raised his eyebrows, and asked playfully: “Oh? Really?”

Chapter 1923

Cynthia’s self-esteem was deeply stung by Charlie’s playful eyes!

She gritted her teeth and shouted: “Of course! Do you think I was joking with you?! If you continue to be so ignorant of praise, toasting and not eating and drinking fine wine, I promise you will be finished sooner or later! Not only you are finished, your wife, and your mother-in-law, And all the people around you are going to die!”

Speaking of this, Cynthia has also completely exploded. She shouted hoarsely like a shrew: “I tell you, your parents were lucky back then, and they could return to Waderests grave when died! If you die in the future, you don’t even have the qualifications to enter the Wade Family Ancestor’s grave!”

Charlie’s expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He looked at Cynthia and said lightly: “You are my father’s biological sister, so I can’t beat you.”

Cynthia sneered and said, “Do you still know that I am your father’s sister?! Don’t you hurry up and respectfully treat me…”

Before Cynthia finished speaking, Charlie immediately said to Orvel: “Mr. Orvel! You have no blood relationship with her, give me her mouth!”

Orvel immediately said loudly: “Yeah, Master!”

After that, he immediately rushed over and grabbed Cynthia by the collar.

Cynthia was taken aback and threatened: “Do you dare to hit me, I will definitely kill you in the future!”

Orvel slapped the face and Cynthia’s two posterior teeth. He said coldly, “Master gave me my life. Even if Master asks me to kill the king, I will never Blink, not to mention you uneducated v!xen!”

After that, it was another slap in the face.

Orvel had long been so angry with Cynthia’s attitude towards Charlie, he finally waited until Charlie agreed, naturally he was merciless.

Cynthia was stunned by these two slaps. She was furious and angry, and shouted like crazy: “You will all die! All of you will die!!!”

Charlie looked at her and said coldly:

“If you have investigated me carefully, you should know why I am revered as Master in Aurous Hill!”

“If you have investigated me seriously, then you should also know why the Eight Heavenly Kings sent by Regnar were completely wiped out by me under Changbai Mountain!”

Having said that, Charlie smiled and continued:

“If you have investigated me seriously, you should know that I just went to Japan a few days ago. As for the things that happened in Japan some time ago, I think you should know it!”

Cynthia’s complexion continued to change dramatically, becoming more and more frightened and paler!

Charlie observed at her, and then asked, “Don’t you want me to go back and marry Sara? Then you didn’t think about it. My father’s best friend Philip was already dying. Why could he suddenly become alive and well? Is there really any sh*t medical miracle?”

After speaking, Charlie pointed to Orvel and continued to question: “At the beginning, Mr. Orvel was in Classic Mansion and was almost killed by Regnar’s men. With the last breath, how did he come alive? Do you know?”

Cynthia’s expression is as pale as paper!

At this time, Charlie didn’t conceal his aura, filled his whole body with it, and shouted very aggressively: “If you haven’t thought about these problems before, then please use your mind now and think about it. Think about it! After thinking it through, come tell me again, between the two of us, it is you who could kill me, or is it me who can kill you!”

Cynthia was immediately stunned by the momentum on Charlie and what he had said!

Wade family did investigate many things about Charlie in Aurous Hill.

However, many clues obtained are not sufficient.

For example, they know that Charlie seems to be very strong, but they have not had a clear understanding of how strong it is.

They also knew about Regnar’s death at the foot of Changbai Mountain, but they didn’t know who did it.

And Philip!

Chapter 1924

Philip, who was in the late stage of pancreatic cancer, suddenly recovered his health, and it seemed like a decade back in time. The entire upper class of Eastcliff was eager to know the reason, and wanted to know what kind of chance Philip encountered.

However, everyone investigated for a while, and no one got any effective information.

Now, when Charlie said this suddenly, Cynthia asked in horror: “These things have something to do with you?!”

Charlie snorted coldly: “What does it mean to have something to do with me? These things are all done by me!”

At this time, even Regnar was shocked with nothing to add.

The death of the Eight Great Heavenly Kings caused the Wu family to suffer a great loss, but they still don’t know how the Eight Great Heavenly Kings died.

Now, he finally understood.

It turned out that the eight heavenly kings were all dead in Charlie’s hands!

He couldn’t help but deepen his soul torture him: “How powerful is this Charlie?!”

Cynthia was also shocked.

Regnar couldn’t hear what Charlie said, what happened in Japan some time ago, but Cynthia knew it!

The three major families in Japan reshuffled almost overnight. One was wiped out, and the other half was wiped out. Only one Ito family remained almost intact. The patriarch Takehiko lost his legs.

Behind this, there is an extremely powerful master who killed countless ninjas and even saved Zhiyu and Zhifei brothers and sisters. Could it be… Charlie? !

Charlie pointed to Regnar and asked Cynthia, “Do you know that Regnar has a son named Wu Qi, who was in Aurous Hill some time ago. He must eat sh*t every hour like a demon?”

Regnar’s expression instantly became extremely pale!

And Cynthia was also shocked!

Although the Wu family is far from being famous in Eastcliff.

However, Wu Qi, the second son of Regnar, is very famous in Eastcliff.

Mainly because of that time, the short video platform has been pushing Wu Qi’s related videos.

Now everyone knows him in the whole country.

At that time, the top masters of several major families all analyzed this matter and believed that Wu Qi must be a master who can endure the sky, and made a very strong psychological suggestion.

Cynthia asked herself inwardly: “Could it be that Charlie did that too?!”

Regnar had also collapsed at this time!

He suppressed his anger, choked and said, “Master! My youngest son has always been sensible! He just studied in Aurous Hill peacefully and did not do any bad things. Why did you harm him so badly!!!”

Charlie glanced at Regnar, slapped his face severely, and angrily reprimanded: “Your b@stard son, takes pleasure in playing with and ruining innocent girls!”

“If he has enough play with the girls he doesn’t stop, but they have to use the s*umbag’s psychological hints to brainwash and force each other to commit suicide!”

“This kind of stupid behavior, everyone can be punishable!”

“Now you are licking your face to tell me that your son who is not as good as a beast has always been sensible and has not done any bad things?!”

“Who gave you the courage?!”

Chapter 1925

Regnar was reprimanded by Charlie, and he dared not look up.

He naturally knew these things about Wu Qi.

But he originally thought that it was all between his son and other girls. Even if he did harm a few girls, after all, he did not harm Charlie and the people around Charlie. Why did Charlie hurt him?

However, seeing Charlie so furious at the moment, he realized that the sense of justice in Charlie’s heart was far beyond his imagination!

Charlie observed at Regnar at this time, and said coldly: “Regnar, Auntie wanted to kill you, but I didn’t expect you to be so irreconcilable! In this case, I am also taking 40% of your assets. If no, I will let the Wade Family dispose of you at will in the future!”

Regnar burst into tears suddenly!

He was still carrying his hands behind his back, but he immediately leaned forward and knelt on the ground. While kowtow heavily, he cried and begged, “Master, I was wrong! I know I was wrong! My son is indeed guilty of death, you Being able to spare him a dog’s life is already a great kindness. It is because there is no eye and no way to discipline him. Please be merciful and forgive me once…”

Charlie said coldly: “You have no way to discipline, more than this one!”

Having said that, Charlie asked again: “Your brother-in-law Nanshan committed countless crimes! You, as the head of the first family in Aurous Hill, Nanshan committed these things by pulling your banner. It all happened under your nose. You know in your heart, why didn’t you stop him? If you led him to the right path earlier, he hadn’t poison so many people, and I hadn’t let him sink in the River!”

Regnar was shocked!

At this time, he immediately realized that Charlie did the thing that the original brother-in-law Nanshan and the entire top of the Beggar Gang were destroyed…

So Regnar didn’t care about the shock, and cried, “I’m sorry, Master! I do have an inescapable responsibility for this matter…I knew he was doing these things at first, so I wanted to stop it, but My wife cried and hanged up with me three times, my heart softened, just thinking, anyway, I don’t participate in it myself, so he can do whatever he wants… I never expected it, because of this, Just committed a terrible mistake…”

Charlie gritted his teeth and said: “You did commit a terrible mistake! How many children and families Nanshan destroyed? Part of each of these debts is recorded on your book of deeds! With your crimes Look, even if I kill you now, the Nine Heavens Gods will make atonement for what you have done in your next life and the next life! Let your ninth reincarnation suffer all the suffering in the world!”

Regnar’s crying nose and tears flowed, and his voice trembled: “Master, I really know that I was wrong! Please give me a chance to correct the evil. I am willing to hand over 60% of the Wu family’s assets. I have a chance to take the lead, the Wu family will do everything for you from today!”

Charlie waved his hand: “It’s not just about money anymore. If you really want to correct the evil, I can give you a chance, depending on whether you can accept it.”

When Regnar heard this, he squatted his head and said, “Master, please tell me! I will do my best to seize this opportunity!”

Charlie said coldly: “Change 40% of your family assets to Mr. Orvel, and Mr. Orvel will hold it in the future, and another 20% will be used for charity to make up for the evil your brother-in-law Nanshan has done over the years!”

Orvel blurted out: “Master, how can this be done… You gave me life, and if you want to give me these assets, they are also given to you… How can you give me… ….”

Charlie said lightly: “If Mr. Regnar agrees to this solution, you will take 40% first.”

Regnar dared to say nothing, and nodded hurriedly: “You can rest assured, Master, I will do this today!”

Charlie said again: “Regnar, from today, you are Mr. Orvel’s person. If Mr. Orvel asks you to go east, you must go east. The direction is half-way off. I want your Wu family to completely disappear in the south of the Yangtze River?”

Regnar didn’t dare to say half a word, nodded hurriedly and said, “You can rest assured, Master, master Orvel will be my master in the future…”

Charlie said to Orvel: “Mr. Orvel, take care of him in the future, he dares to have any disobedience, tell me immediately!”

Mr. Orvel hurriedly said: “Master, don’t worry, I will! As for Regnar’s shares, Mr. Orvel will hold it for you temporarily!”

Charlie nodded slightly.

Immediately, he looked at Cynthia, whose cheek was swollen by Orvel, and said lightly: “Auntie, since you are here, you will stay in Aurous Hill for a long time and wait until the New Year to go back. But your nephew, I have been busy recently. I’m not going to visit, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance.”

Chapter 1926

Having said that, Charlie became serious and warned: “This is the end of today’s business. If you let me know that you dare to do any small actions behind my back, then don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

Cynthia observed Charlie and wanted to say something to support the scene, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn’t say it all at once.

She found that Charlie’s character was too similar to his father, that is, her second brother Changying.

Why was Changying so famous back then?

He looks like a weak scholar, but he can stand in front of the army.

As long as it is what he decides to do, he has never given up and failed.

Even if the whole world stands in front of him, he has to blaze a trail.

Therefore, there was a saying in the upper class society of Eastcliff: Wade family has a son, who can do anything!

Mention Changying, even his opponent would give him a thumb in his heart.

At that time, he was the most dazzling new star of the Wade family.

Now, Cynthia realized that she had actually seen the aura on Charlie’s body.

Therefore, at this moment, deep in her heart, she felt a little awe of Charlie.

It was also at this moment that she knew that she could no longer offend this nephew who hadn’t seen her for many years, otherwise, she really didn’t know if he would really kill off his relatives.

So, she could only smash her teeth and swallow in her belly. After a long while, she was aggrieved and said: “Charlie, I will listen to you about this matter today. I will not pursue your mother-in-law or Regnar…”

Having said this, she almost begged: “But, you can no longer protect the father and son who tied me up, right? Auntie has suffered so many crimes today, and you have to tell auntie…”

After speaking, Cynthia thought of her series of tragic experiences today, her nose sour, and tears came down.

She was really miserable today.

She wanted to ask Elaine and impress her with her attitude, and bought her by the way, but she didn’t expect to be hit by Elaine.

Then Harold, Noah led them to this place;

Then Regnar came again and beat her up. He almost shot her up with a single shot, causing her to pee in h3r pants…

She hadn’t suffered any bitterness in her life, so she tasted the sufferings of the world today.

And what was even more annoying was that she had never fought with Elaine before, and was slapped in the face by her. She wanted to kill her to relieve her anger, but she was Charlie’s mother-in-law, so she couldn’t get revenge on her.

Regnar now offers most of his family property and is willing to be Charlie’s running dog.

In this way, only the Willson family father and son can be retaliated against…

Charlie frowned when he heard this and asked Orvel, “What’s the situation with Noah and Harold now?”

Orvel said: “These two people’s arms and legs were smashed by Regnar’s men. They have become useless. Master will tell me what to do next with them!”

Chapter 1927

There is no doubt that Charlie does not have a half-hearted relationship with Noah and Harold.

However, hearing that the two of them had their limbs broken, the anger in Charlie’s heart was mostly gone.

No one knows the Willson family better than him.

Although each of them looks abominable, they are not even heinous villains.

Horiyah used to pit Elaine before. A large part of the reason was that when Elaine was playing cards at a friend’s house, she met Horiyah and Noah who came to see the house. Then Elaine mocked them and made Horiyah a lot. Their mentality collapsed and wanted to cheat Elaine’s money.

Now Noah and Harold kidnapped Elaine and wanted to send her to the black brick kiln, also in order to repay the hatred of sending Horiyah to the black coal kiln. To be honest, Elaine is still blocking his guns to a certain extent.

In the final analysis, the Willson family is really bad, but it has not yet reached the point where it must die.

Moreover, Charlie really didn’t like his aunt who was troublesome and meddling. If he really let her kill Noah and Harold to vent her anger, it would be cheaper for her. It would be better to let her keep holding on to this fire and have nowhere to vent. Grind her annoying character.

So Charlie said: “What Noah and Harold say are my wife’s uncle and cousin, my father-in-law’s brother and nephew, if you kill them, such a big funeral, our family will pass a good year?”

Cynthia hurriedly said: “Wait after the New Year to slaughter the two of them, right?!”

Charlie waved his hand: “My wife has a softer heart. If they really die, she will definitely be sad, so let them live.”

When Cynthia heard this, she was anxious and uncomfortable, and blurted out: “They made me like this, you must let them out like that?”

Charlie frowned and asked: “How do you calculate your breath? Both of them have lost their limbs. I’m afraid they can only lie in bed to eat and drink for a few months. Can’t you breathe out?”

“I can’t get out!” Cynthia said indignantly: “If I don’t kill them, I won’t be able to get out with such a bad breath!”

Charlie shouted angrily: “If you can’t get it out, just hold on to it!!!”

The roar made Cynthia’s liver tremble!

Charlie glared at her fiercely, and asked in a cold voice: “It’s obviously you who caused trouble first, and you will kill others at every turn. Who gives you the stinking troubles you are used to?!”

Cynthia’s expression was very depressed, and she choked: “I grew up so old, and I have never suffered such a big loss today…”

Charlie said coldly: “Then just let you have a taste today, and this is just the first dish, your character, if you don’t change it, you will lose money in the future!”

After that, Charlie waved his hand a little irritably: “I don’t want to tell you so much nonsense. In short, this is the end of today, and I will never allow you to spread this matter in any direction! Otherwise, Only you are asking for trouble! Did you understand?!”

Seeing that Charlie’s expression didn’t mean joking with her, Cynthia couldn’t help but play a little drum.

She realized this matter today, she was afraid that she would not be able to find her place.

Otherwise, with Charlie’s character, he would never spare her.

So she could only say dejectedly: “Okay…I understand…”

Charlie nodded and said to Orvel, “Mr. Orvel, quickly arrange a self-built house in the village in the city, and settle down my aunt, who has come from afar, so that people will keep an eye on her for 24 hours. She will never leave the house for the next seven days. Half a step, as soon as seven days arrive, I will send her to the airport and let her go back!”

Orvel nodded immediately: “Master don’t worry, I will do it properly!”

Chapter 1928

Charlie looked at Regnar again: “Report everything to Mr. Orvel in the future, don’t make any small actions, do you understand?”

Regnar hurriedly squatted his head and said, “Master, don’t worry. From today onwards, I will follow your and Mr. Orvel’s instructions…”

Charlie said again: “By the way, Tomson first-grade a06, did you buy it?”

Regnar said awkwardly: “Yes, I bought it…”

Charlie asked him, “You bought this villa for the Willson family, did you come to make me sick?”

“Yes…” Regnar said nervously, “Master, this is my fault. Don’t worry, I will take back the villa and let the Willson family get out!”

“Don’t!” Charlie waved his hand and said: “It’s so boring to get them out. You are like this. First, stop all the businesses of the Willson Group and withdraw all the investment you gave them. I still want them to return to the previous one. Although this species lives in Tomson First Grade, it actually has nothing at all.”

Regnar said without hesitation: “OK, Master, I will make arrangements today!”

Charlie nodded with satisfaction: “Okay, Mr. Orvel, you arrange the accomodation for my aunt, Regnar will go and arrange the affairs of the Willson Group. As for Noah and Harold, don’t turn around to the relevant departments, and go directly to the hospital. Go ahead.”

The two hurriedly agreed to him respectfully.

Cynthia’s expression on the side was extremely ugly.

But ugly is ugly, she now dare not have any emotion of resistance.

Therefore, she could only say angrily: “Charlie, look at your aunt, who was also injured and two teeth were lost. You can send me to the hospital first…”

Charlie nodded: “It’s okay to send you to the hospital, but you should not make any wrong ideas, otherwise, it is not as simple as leaving. In that case, you will have to live in the Aurous Hill for a long time, maybe a year or half.”

Cynthia couldn’t help but shudder when she heard this.

Charlie arranged for her in the village in the city, basically the same as under house arrest. The environment there must be extremely bad, and it would be a great torment to stay for a day, and she would simply collapse if in for a long time. If it is a year, it is really better to die.

Therefore, she can only honestly say: “Don’t worry, since your aunt has said and listened to your instructions, I will never do anything else…”

Charlie said to Orvel, “Then arrange for my aunt to go to the hospital for treatment first, and don’t set the teeth in Aurous Hill. Let her go back to Eastcliff and do it there.”

Orvel immediately agreed: “OK, Master!”

Immediately afterwards, Orvel asked Cynthia and Regnar to be put in different vehicles, and then sent to the warehouse to take out the broken limbs of Noah and Jacob.

At this time, the two of them were lying on the cold concrete floor and had completely collapsed. The father and son cried in the warehouse for a long time, and they almost dried up all their tears.

Harold felt so depressed and lost in his heart, sobbing like a child: “I originally wanted to teach Elaine to please Regnar, but I didn’t expect that the other Lady who was caught by us with Elaine turned out to be a transnational fraud!”

“Besides, this scammer is so d*mn good to makeup, she even made up a set of so-called rich master status for Charlie…makes my dad and I believe it…”

“Even Regnar believed the nonsense of that stinky woman!”

“Regnar, you old dog, if you say you believe it, you can believe it, but there is no need to abolish the father and son in order to please her! We both were serving you, and you can’t be so right no matter what! What the h*ll is this!”

Chapter 1929

At this time, in Harold’s heart, he had already regretted that his intestines were green.

Being beaten into a waste by Regnar’s men is actually not the worst, after all, it only takes a few months to recover after being injured.

The worst thing is that the International Criminal Police who came just now said that they would be handed over to the local authorities. If they were really handed over, the kidnapping charges on the father and son would definitely be inevitable.

This charge is a felony! Sentencing starts with ten years!

Thinking that he might stay in prison for ten years, Harold’s emotions have completely collapsed.

When being lifted out by Orvel’s men, Harold choked up with his nose and tears: “May I ask the comrades of the Interpol…Could it be…Is it that we are really going to be sent to authorities? Are we going to jail… We… were both instigated by others. The real man behind the scenes is Regnar…”

Noah also cried bitterly: “Although we father and son are wrong, we have already paid a painful price. Can you please raise your hands high and give us father and son a way of life…”

Harold turned around hard, looked at his father with red eyes, and cried out: “Dad…I don’t want to go to jail, Dad…”

With tears on his face, Noah choked and said, “When the time comes, you will push everything to Dad. You will say that everything is Dad’s idea. You don’t know anything. Try to make the judge lighter…”

When Harold heard this, he burst into tears.

The father and son cried and cried, and the scene suddenly became a little too noisy.

Orvel came over at this time and said coldly to the two of them: “Don’t f*cking cry! If you cry again, you will be sent to prison!”

As soon as Harold heard this, he asked incredulously: “Comrade Interpol, what do you mean…you don’t send us to jail?”

Mr. Orvel said coldly: “Fortunately for you two, we must keep the arrest of Roxa absolutely confidential, so we cannot let people from other departments know about it for the time being. So today you kidnapped Elaine and Roxa. It will not be communicated to local agencies!”

“Really?!” When Harold heard this, his whole body twitched with excitement.

However, because of the twitching, the severe pain in his limbs became more severe, so he kept wailing.

Although his mouth was screaming in pain, Harold’s heart was extremely excited.

In any case, a prison sentence is finally removed!


The Tomson Villa at this moment.

Mrs. Willson was lying on the sofa in the living room of Villa A04. While watching the time, she said to Wendy who was sitting on the other side: “Why haven’t your father and your brother figured it out yet? There has been no movement for so long.”

Wendy said: “Maybe they can’t take care of it. After all, there are quite a lot of things. Not only they have found someone to give Elaine to that person, but also filmed the video and sent her to the black brick factory.”

Mrs. Willson nodded gently, and said with a smirk: “This Elaine, she’s really drifting recently. She’s always floating in the sky. It’s really a bit ungrounded, so she should also experience it. What is civil suffering!”

Wendy smiled and said, “Yes, grandma, Elaine, this b*tch woman, I hate her a long time ago, especially since she is so terrible this time, I can’t wait to break her leg again!”

As she said, she said with a look of nostalgia: “It was interesting when I was in the cell. That Gena, the five big and three rough, could not wait to take Elaine’s feces out with a slap. Elaine was really miserable at that time, thinking about it, I still get excited!”

Mrs. Willson also nodded again and again, and said happily, “Oh! Gena, the rural lady, really has two strengths. That woman is as strong as a cow. To deal with Elaine, one can beat her. She on her own was enough!”

Chapter 1930

Wendy sighed on the side: “It’s a pity that Elaine will be sent to the black brick kiln to burn bricks soon, and Gena hasn’t come out yet. After she comes out, she may never see Elaine again in this life.”

“Who said no!” The Old Lady also sighed, “But it doesn’t matter. When Elaine arrives at the black brick kiln, there will be endless suffering waiting for her!”

At this time, Aurous Hill Women’s Detention Center.

Gena, who was in the cell, suddenly sneezed.

Several entourages hurried over and asked diligently, “Sister Gena, what’s wrong with you? Have you caught a cold?”

Gena rubbed her nose: “Don’t know, maybe someone misses me.”

The woman next to her smiled and said: “Who would think of us like us prisoners who have no relatives and no cause!”

“Yes.” The other person also echoed: “This will be the Chinese New Year right away, and no one in my family has ever visited me. It really makes me chill!”

After that, she looked at Gena and asked, “Sister Gena, how long will you get before you get released?”

Gena smacked and said, “Hey, it’s still five or six months!”

“That’s too soon, I’m still eight months away…”

“I’m four months…”

“Hey, you can’t spend the New Year at home this year, and it should be fine next year!”

Gena sighed: “Mom is gone, the husband also ran away with the v!xen, and my brother’s family is a tortoise b@stard again. I don’t even have a family member in this world…”

Having said this, Gena’s eye circles suddenly reddened, and she choked up: “Hey! Looking at the New Year, I couldn’t burn some paper money for the Old Lady. don’t know how she lived there and whether she has enough money. Huh! it’s cold today, don’t know if she and my dad have the money to celebrate the New Year…”

“Sister Gena, don’t think about it. After you go out, there will be opportunities to burn paper for your parents!”

Gena nodded lightly, and couldn’t help sighing: “Actually, I still miss that Old Lady. Seeing how she was bullied, I remember how pitiful Mom was when she was bullied by my sister-in-law when she was alive. Looks like, in this heart, there is a burst of pain…”

After speaking, she asked several other people, “You said, what is Mrs. Willson doing now? When she came in, she didn’t even have a place to sleep. How is life now? Shouldn’t she still wander in the street?”

As they were talking, the prison guard suddenly came over and said to a few of them: “Gena, Tabia, and Lexi, the three of you pack up and are ready to be released!”

The three of them were stunned!

Gena asked in surprise: “Preparing to be released from prison?! Isn’t it time for me?”

The prison guard said: “Someone has already handled the bail pending trial for you. You can be released today!”

“Ah?!” Gena said in surprise: “Don’t know anyone, who will help me get a bail pending trial?”

The prison guard said indifferently: “Your old acquaintance, Mrs. Willson, asked someone to do it. She paid a lot of deposit for the three of you!”

Gena was even more surprised and speechless. She opened her mouth wide and thought for a long time before she asked in disbelief, “Mrs. Willson?! Isn’t she miserable? Where can she get the money to help us get the bail pending trial?! “

The prison guard laughed and said: “That Mrs. Willson is amazing now. I heard that the family business has come back to life, and the family has also moved into the luxury villa of Tomson. It is said that they have arranged to let you go to Tomson. Good day!”

Chapter 1931

When Gena and others heard this, they were all shocked and dumbfounded!

At the same time, it is even more excited and ecstatic!

She asked, “Mrs. Willson got her daughter-in-law’s first-grade Tomson villa?”

The prison guard said lightly: “She bought another set.”

“I’m going to drop a mother!” Gena said dumbfounded: “A villa of more than 100 million, buy it if she wants to buy it?”

The prison guard smiled and said: “Of course, they paid more than one million bail for the three of you just to get the bail pending trial. This is because she remembered your kindness to her at the beginning, so she wanted to bail you out and pick you up. Go to Tomson to live a fairy life!”

Gena’s moved tears flowed, and as she wiped it, she choked with sobs: “Mrs. Willson is about to catch up with Mom…”

The other two also looked excited, and one of them sighed with emotion: “Yes, Sister Gena you helped them out of righteousness, and the Old Lady is also a person who knows gratitude. In the final analysis, this is the kindness that Sister Gena has planted!”

Gena’s sense of justice immediately burst, and said solemnly: “Elaine, that b@stard, is so unfilial to her mother-in-law. I taught her that it is justified and obligatory! If she dares to bully Mrs. Willson in the future, I will never forgive her!”

The prison guard hurriedly reminded: “Gena! This is a rare opportunity to be released on bail. After you go out, you must make a good reform. You must never do any illegal or criminal things again! If you get caught in a fight again, not only The remaining sentence must be made up, and repeated offenders will be severely punished!”

Gena blurted out: “Ah?! So serious?!”

“Of course!” The prison guard said very seriously: “You must be a good citizen who obeys the law, let alone fights with others, even if you litter or spit, you may be subject to administrative punishment!”

After that, the prison guard added: “After you go out, even if you have a criminal record, our law enforcement officers, as well as the community streets, will strictly watch your every move. If you are really messy, the law definitely won’t forgive you!”

Gena’s heart jumped in fright and hurriedly waved her hand: “Don’t worry! After I go out, I will definitely change my mind and be a new woman!”

“It’s almost the same!”

The prison guard nodded in satisfaction and said, “Also, you will go to Mrs. Willson’s house and lived in the Tomson Villa. It is the best house in Aurous Hill. The life there is also a fairy-like life, so you should cherish it, or you can only come back here and sleep on the floor again, understand?”


Gena nodded as if pounding garlic, thinking about life in the Tomson Villa in the future.

She was originally just a peasant woman, and her family’s conditions have not been good. She had just saved some money a few years ago and repaired the old brick house with a history of more than 20 years. The living conditions are actually no better than the cell.

Her lifelong dream is to be able to move into the city and live in a two-bedroom house, but the housing prices in Aurous Hill are not cheap. She can not afford it, so she can only think about it.

But now, she actually has the opportunity to live in the luxurious villa of Tomson, which is simply a step from the bottom to the top!

The three were so excited that they almost cried.

At this time, the prison guard reminded: “Don’t be eager to be happy, we still have a lot of procedures to go through, you guys cooperate, and you should be able to go out soon!

“OK, OK! We will definitely cooperate!”


While Gena and others were going through the procedures for release on bail pending trial, Mrs. Willson, who had been waiting at home for a long time, received a call from the hospital.

On the phone, the eager doctor came up and asked her: “Hello, are you the family of Noah and Harold?”

Mrs. Willson hummed: “I am, what’s the matter?”

Chapter 1932

The other party hurriedly said: “Noah and Harold are both seriously injured. They are now being treated in the emergency department of our Aurous Hill People’s Hospital. The family members should come over!”


Mrs. Willson said in surprise, “The two of them are injured?! What is going on?!”

The other party said: “They have their limbs broken. Although they are not life-threatening, the injuries are still serious and they need human care. Come here!”

Mrs. Willson panicked suddenly!

Wendy on the side asked: “Grandma, what’s the matter?”

Mrs. Willson said with a sad face: “The hospital called and said that your father and your brother are injured! They are in the hospital now! Let’s go there!”

“Ah?!” Wendy stood up immediately in shock, and asked nervously, “Grandma, what’s the matter? Didn’t Dad and brother went to teach Elaine that b*tch? Why are they injured and hospitalized?”

Mrs. Willson said eagerly: “Oh! don’t know! Hurry up and get ready to go to the hospital!”

At this time, Horiyah, who was preparing ingredients in the kitchen, heard the movement and walked out and asked, “Mom, what’s the matter? What’s the matter?”

Mrs. Willson glared at her and shouted angrily: “You hurry up to change clothes and follow us to the hospital! Noah and Harold are injured and hospitalized!”

“Ah?!” Horiyah was also dumbfounded, and blurted out: “What’s going on? This is… Elaine still understands when she enters the hospital, why would they return to the hospital?”

Mrs. Willson shouted sharply, “Why do you have so much nonsense? Hurry up and change your clothes and come help!”

How dare Horiyah make a mistake, wiped her hands on her apron, and said in a hurry, “I’m going to change clothes…”

Three generations of women from the Willson family hurried out and went straight to Aurous Hill People’s Hospital.

At the same time, at the gate of the Aurous Hill Women’s Detention Center, Gena, Tabia, and Lexi walked out of the iron gate by the high wall, holding their blankets and clothes.

As soon as they left the house, Gena immediately said to the two people around her: “Tabia and Lexi, they said, you must not look back after you come out, or you will have to come back sooner or later, you know?”

The other two nodded vigorously: “I know sister Gena!”

At this time, Tabia asked her: “Sister Gena, Mrs. Willson has released us on bail, why didn’t she meet us?”

“That’s right.” Lexi also echoed: “Such a big thing is done, isn’t it easy to arrange a car for us?”

Gena hurriedly said: “Don’t think so! It is already a great blessing for people to save us and let us go to Tomson to enjoy the blessings. How can we ask others to do everything! People, we must know how to be satisfied and be grateful!”

The other two shrugged: “Well…Sister Gena, you are right, we will know later.”

Gena said: “Let the three of us take a taxi to Tomson. It’s almost time for dinner now, maybe Mrs. Willson will hold a banquet at home and wait for us to pick up the dust!”

When the other two heard this, they were overjoyed and immediately said, “Then let’s take a taxi and go there!”

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz car stopped in front of the three of them. After the driver got out of the car, he asked the three of them: “May I ask the three ladies, if your names are Gena, Tabia, and Lexi?”

Gena nodded hurriedly: “It’s us, who are you?”

The driver smiled and said, “I am the driver sent by Mrs. Willson, I am here to pick you up to Tomson! Please get in the car for three!”

Chapter 1933

After listening to the driver, Gena looked at this luxurious Mercedes-Benz car and said with excitement, “Mrs. Willson is so kind to us! I have never been in a Mercedes-Benz car in my life!”

Tabia beside her couldn’t help but sigh: “The best car I’ve ever ridden is the police car driven by Comrade Police when I was arrested…”

Lexi nodded again and again: “Sister Tabia…the same is true for me!”

The driver heard their conversation and said with a smile: “Three, get in the car!”

“Good, good!” Gena reacted first, hurriedly opened the rear door and sat in.

The other two were also eager to squeeze in. The driver said hurriedly, “We only have two seats in the back row, so let one of the three take the co-pilot!”

Tabia was opening the rear door on the other side to get in. Lexi, who was a step slower, couldn’t help but mumble: “That’s a big car, there are only two seats in the back? The Santana, which was driven by comrades, in the back we can sit up to three people!”

Gena said to her in the car, “You know what a sh*t, there are really only two seats in there, with a very large armrest in the middle, which feels like leather! Oh, it’s really comfortable to put your arms on this!

Tabia hurriedly sat in and said with a smile, “Really? Let me touch and feel it too!”

Lexi looked at the spacious and luxurious rear seats and the huge armrest box with LCD screen and control knobs, and said with envy: “I want to feel it too…”

Tabia waved her hand at her: “Oh, you will feel it next time! Sit ahead quickly, Mrs. Willson is waiting for us!”

Lexi had no choice but to go to the co-pilot quietly.

In fact, this Mercedes-Benz is not luxurious, but it is a Mercedes-Benz S-Class with a price of less than one-fifth of Rolls-Royce.

However, for Gena and the others, this car is already the top luxury car they can imagine.

If you put a Rolls Royce in front of them, they might not recognize it.

After all, for the most ordinary people, Mercedes-Benz’s popularity is still the most common!

Gena sat in the back row of this luxury Mercedes-Benz car with excitement!

She couldn’t help but think to herself: “Riding in a luxury car and living in a luxury house, is my life finally going to soar into the sky?! This Mrs. Willson, is simply my noble person!”

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but feel proud and thought: “Mrs. Willson is so good to me, I must do more for her in the future. From now on, I will treat her as my own mother!”

The Mercedes-Benz drove fast and steady all the way.

This car had a pass for Tomson’s villa, so it sent them directly to the door of villa a06.

Afterwards, the driver used the administrator password to open the outer door of the villa, and then helped Gena and the two to enter their fingerprints and said to them: “After entering the fingerprints, you can enter and exit the door directly without a key.”

Gena looked at the huge courtyard of the villa, shaking with joy. She asked, “Master if you are tired, can we enter the door of the house even if we swipe our fingerprints?”

“Yes.” The driver nodded and said, “The gate of the yard and the front entrance of the villa are both a set of smart home systems. After fingerprints are entered, they can be used in common use. You can go in now. From now on, treat this as your home, no matter what, don’t be impolite!”

Gena hurriedly asked, “Where is Mrs. Willson? Why didn’t she come out?”

The driver smiled and said, “Mrs. Willson went out for a while, so she let me pick you up first. You can go first and choose a room. There are a lot of empty rooms in the villa.”

“Oh! Great!”

As soon as she heard that she was going to choose a room, Gena rushed over with her own blanket.

Not to be outdone, the other two hurriedly followed behind and ran to the door.

Gena tried to swipe her fingerprints on the doorknob, and the door of the room opened!

She pushed the door in excitement, and when she entered, she was shocked by the extremely luxurious interior!

Chapter 1934

This villa is, after all, the best and largest villa within the urban area of ​​Aurous Hill, and it has undergone a very luxurious decoration. The decoration style is open and ostentatious, and the ultimate moneyism is exposed everywhere.

Therefore, Gena and the others just took a look, and they were completely crazy!

Before coming, they had also imagined what the inside of Mrs. Willson’s villa would look like.

However, even their most daring guesses are far less than the actual situation of this villa!

Lexi exclaimed from the side: “This…what kind of villa is this! The palace is just like this, right?!”

“bullsit!” Tabia blurted out: “This is much more luxurious than the palace! dmn! Look at that sofa, it’s so beautiful! I’m going to lie down!”

With that, the person has already ran over.

“I want to go too!” Lexi saw Tabia go, and when she was unwilling, she hurriedly dropped the blanket and ran all the way.

This sofa is a European-style top-level sofa imported from Italy. It is exclusively for the European royal family. The original owner of the villa imported it directly from abroad for more than one million.

Different from Classical furniture, Classical itself is expensive on wood, which is not comfortable for practical use. It is equivalent to buying a set of gold bricks as a mattress. Expensive is really expensive, but hard is also really hard.

Therefore, Classical Furniture is more like a financial product.

But this European style furniture is different.

It is mainly based on the brand, the workmanship, the extraordinary luxury appearance and the meticulous comfort.

Therefore, this kind of sofa is actually a high-end luxury consumable.

After the two pounced on the sofa, they also forgot to take off their shoes, so they directly stepped on the surface of the sofa with their feet, turning over and looking for the most comfortable posture.

Gena hurriedly said: “Hey, ah, slow down, don’t sit down on someone else’s sofa! And the soles of your shoes are dirty too.”

Lexi smiled and said, “Oh, it’s okay, don’t you tell me, let us be like our own home, and I will wear shoes on it when I’m at home!”

Tabia said excitedly: “Sister Gena, come and feel it, this sofa is so comfortable! I think the chair the Jade Emperor sits in the sky is not as comfortable as this!”

“Really?” Gena said with a smile: “I think this sofa is really good, it’s very grand! I’ll try it!”

After speaking, she stepped to the single-person sofa and sat down.

“Ouch! It’s so soft!” Gena was lying on the sofa, her whole body trapped in the soft leather, dancing happily.

Lexi lying on the side said hurriedly: “Oh, sister Gena, you haven’t tried it while lying down, this sofa is more comfortable lying down!”

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly stepped on the sofa to stand up, pulled Gena, and said flatly: “Sister Gena, come and try it! Make sure you lie down and you can’t bear it!”

Gena lay down and tried it, and said with joy, “Oh, this is really great! I have the heart to sleep on the sofa later!”

Lexi smiled and said: “The sofas are so comfortable, the bed will definitely be more comfortable!”

Tabia hurriedly asked: “Then shall we go to see the room? This villa is so big, we can definitely guarantee one room for three people!”

Gena said: “Well, let’s wait for the Old Lady to come back and let her arrange a room for us.”

Lexi curled her lips: “I can’t wait. The villa rooms must be large or small, some facing south, some facing north, I want a south-facing, bigger one, and I can get some sunshine every day!”

Tabia said hurriedly: “I want to face south too!”

As soon as Gena heard this, she immediately jumped up from the sofa and ran up the stairs, saying, “No! I have to choose first!”

Chapter 1935

Mrs. Willson didn’t know that when she went to the hospital, her house was already occupied by Gena.

She and Wendy rushed to the hospital in a hurry and found Noah and Harold. The father and son were already half mummies wrapped in plaster.

Although neither of them is life-threatening, they fractured their limbs, so that they completely lost the ability to move, and could only lie in bed and wail.

As soon as Mrs. Willson entered the door, she was shocked and anxious when she saw the two of them like this. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked: “Noah! Harold! You guys…what’s wrong with you?!”

When Noah and Harold saw the Old Lady coming, they couldn’t control their tears and wept loudly.

Especially Harold, crying very sadly.

Wendy burst into tears all at once, and asked pitifully, “Dad, brother, how did you become like this…”

Harold’s eyes were red, and he cried and said, “Grandma! Dad and I were scrapped by Regnar’s people! Grandma, I’m so wrong! I kindly served Regnar. He was not only not grateful, but also let his People beat me and Dad like this, they are just ba$tards!”

Noah also sighed: “Mom…people say that Tigers are the only companions to tigers. I understand today! We can’t accompany people like Regnar, so we must keep our distance from him in the future!”

Mrs. Willson said eagerly: “What on earth happened?! Tell me clearly!”

Only then did Noah tell what happened.

Only then did Mrs. Willson understand that when they kidnapped Elaine, they also tied up a transnational fraudster.

The most annoying thing is that Regnar, a scheming man, was also deceived by a transnational fraudster. In order to please the other party, he interrupted the limbs of her son and grandson…

Hearing this, Mrs. Willson burst into tears, patting her thighs and howling: “God doesn’t have eyes! If you don’t trouble Elaine today, that transnational scammer will definitely take Elaine’s family. People have broken their homes! But at this time, you just took the initiative to solve the trouble for Elaine, and then caused the trouble to yourself. Today Elaine was supposed to go to h*ll, but it turned out to be bad. You directly help Interpol and take the fraud. The crime is caught, which is equivalent to helping Elaine completely for free…”

When Harold heard that the truth was like that, he cried louder and went crazy and said, “I didn’t expect that we would end up getting the b@stard Elaine for nothing. It’s really a big loss… I, Harold has never suffered such a big loss in his entire life! And it was a big loss that she took the initiative to eat! Wendy, you slap me twice! I feel so uncomfortable in my heart…”

Wendy can only persuade: “Brother, since the matter has already happened, don’t think about it. The key now is whether your and dad’s injuries are not serious and can you recover…”

Harold choked and said: “Recovery can be made, but it takes a while. The doctor said that we may not have the ability to take care of ourselves for several months. We have to eat, drink and sleep in the bed. We may have to stay in the hospital and have to be accompanied by a caregiver… …”

Mrs. Willson hurriedly asked, “Harold, where did Mr. Regnar go? He was fooled by the scammer, so that he was dismissed. Later, the identity of the scammer was revealed. Didn’t he give you any compensation or give you a statement?”

“Gave a sh*t!” Noah said angrily from the side: “Regnar, that old dog, was also directly arrested by Interpol! It is estimated that he will be out of luck!”

Mrs. Willson exclaimed: “Ah?! Then you two got the meal in vain?”

Noah naturally knew what the Old Lady’s idea was, and he thought to himself: “What mom means, she must think that Harold and I were accidentally injured by Regnar’s people, and Regnar has to make some compensation to make it reasonable.”

“After all, my mother is looking at money!”

Thinking of this, Noah was a little depressed, and said, “Mom, you have to pay us the hospitalization fee first, let us transfer to the inpatient department! As for Regnar, if he comes out in the future, I will ask him for an explanation!”

“Okay!” Mrs. Willson nodded and said, “I’ll pay the bill!”

Chapter 1936

With that, Mrs. Willson turned around and left the ward.

She stepped to the collection office and said, “I’m here to pay Noah Willson and Harold Willson’s hospital bill.”

The other party inquired for a while and said, “The incurred treatment fee is 26,700, and another 80,000 of hospitalization deposit will be needed, which is a total of 10,06,700.”

Mrs. Willson couldn’t help but feel some pain.

“Although this one hundred thousand is not a lot, it is not too small. If this money is not compensated by Regnar a hundred times, I really can’t sleep in my dreams!”

Thinking, Mrs. Willson still took out a bank card from her wallet and handed it to the other party: “Come on, swipe the card.”

The other party took the card, swiped it on the POS machine, entered the amount, and said to the Old Lady: “The password.”

Mrs. Willson immediately pressed the password and confirmed, but the pos machine never automatically issued an order.

The staff member in charge of the cash register took a look and said, “Your card is frozen, please change one.”

“What? Frozen?!” Mrs. Willson frowned, “How is it possible! I have tens of millions in my card!”

At first, after Regnar helped the Willson family repay the debt and the bank unsealed the previously sealed property, Mrs. Willson returned part of her deposit.

After that, Regnar invested in the Willson family, and Mrs. Willson also found a way to find some companies that helped people take the account and put the money in her card. Now she has more than 20 million cash in her card, which has always been her pension money left for you.

Now, the other party suddenly told her that this card was frozen, and she suddenly became nervous.

The other party didn’t know if there were tens of millions in her card, and she said impatiently: “I can’t control how much money you have in the card, but the pos machine gave me feedback that the card has been frozen. If you have a problem, call the bank!”

Mrs. Willson was too shocked, and quickly took out her mobile phone and called the bank.

After waiting for a long time for the manual service, she hurriedly asked: “Why did your bank freeze my card?! What right do you have to do this?!”

The other party patiently said: “I’m sorry. It shows that your card is indeed frozen. The reason for the freezing is because your creditor filed a property preservation with the court.”

“f*ck your mother!” Mrs. Willson scolded angrily: “I have paid off all my debts a long time ago, how can there be any creditors?!”

The other party was also a little angry: “Madam, please speak up properly and don’t swear! I can see the property preservation execution document. The document shows that your creditor Regnar Wu initiated property preservation and he helped you repay the amount before. Ten million debts, and tens of millions of funds invested in your company, but now he has to withdraw all the loans and investments, so he has frozen your bank card.”


Mrs. Willson suddenly felt thunderous!

Did Regnar divest?

This… Doesn’t it mean that the Willson family is going back to the previous situation of nothing and in debt? !

Chapter 1937

Seeing that Mrs. Willson stood blankly on the spot, the hospital toll collector asked, “Are you still paying? If you don’t pay, we may ask you to discharge the two patients.”

Mrs. Willson immediately took out another bank card, chose one, handed it to the other party, and said, “Try this again!”

The toll collector nodded and took it and swiped it. After Mrs. Willson entered the password, he shook his head and said, “This is also frozen.”

“Then try this one again!”

Mrs. Willson passed all of her cards in succession, but the reminder that none of the cards was working!

This made Mrs. Willson’s whole body very desperate!

Just when she was at a loss, a phone call came and she hurriedly connected, only to hear the other person say: “Hello madam, I am calling to inform you about the enterprises, villas, vehicles, antique paintings, etc. under your name. All real estate has been sealed by the court. Please repay Mr. Regnar’s investment as soon as possible, otherwise, all your assets will enter the auction process!”

Mrs. Willson cried and said, “You…you are trying to force me to death!”

The other party has an official attitude and said: “Sorry, we are also acting in accordance with the regulations. The amount of debt claimed by your creditors has far exceeded your assets, so if you do not repay the debt in time, we will take action against you!”

Mrs. Willson choked and said, “My son and grandson are now in hospital. I need to pay for the hospitalization, right?”

“Sorry, you are now a negative equity holder, and if you have money, you also need to repay Mr. Regnar first.”

“You bullsh*t!” Mrs. Willson shouted angrily: “What is the difference between you and drinking human blood?!”

“Sorry, it is justified to pay off debts.”

Mrs. Willson roared: “God!! your mother, go to h*ll with her! Bullying an old lady like me, you can’t die with peace!”

Having said that, Mrs. Willson immediately hung up the phone angrily.

Here, the toll collector said embarrassingly: “Old Lady, are you still paying the fee? If you don’t pay, please get out of the way first, because the people behind have to pay the fee.”

Mrs. Willson said with a black face, “Stop paying! I can’t afford to eat, so I have to pay a bullsh*t!”

After that, she immediately called Regnar with her mobile phone.

Although she didn’t know what was going on with Regnar, she still had a try and dialed his phone.

Unexpectedly, the call was quickly connected.

After Regnar answered the phone, he asked in a bad tone: “Old Lady, what’s the matter with you?”

Mrs. Willson hurriedly said flatteringly: “Oh, Mr. Regnar, that’s it, Mr. Regnar, why did I hear that you are going to divest suddenly? Didn’t you say that you want to cooperate for a long time? You suddenly withdraw like this. But what did we do? Is there any misunderstanding in this?”

Chapter 1938

Regnar said coldly: “There is no misunderstanding, I just completely lost confidence in your family, so I don’t expect you to do anything for me. In that case, what else should I do if not hurry up and divest?”

Mrs. Willson immediately pleaded with pity: “Mr. Regnar! Did the things my son and grandson did today make you feel unsatisfied? If they are not doing well enough, just say it, I will let them perform better next time. Please give our family another chance!”

Regnar said impatiently: “I had given you the opportunity, but the key is that you were not up to it! So don’t come to beg me now.”

Mrs. Willson was desperate in her heart. Suddenly thinking about the villa, she hurriedly asked: “Mr. Regnar, we signed an agreement about the villa. You agreed to lend it to us to live for 10 years. If we can’t go back, our family will have to sleep on the streets!”

Regnar sneered: “Of course the villa. You can live for a while, but you have to make it clear to your son that if he dares to divorce Horiyah, then I will kick your family out immediately!”

Mrs. Willson said angrily, “Mr. Regnar, you don’t need us to deal with Charlie anymore. Why do you have to let my son stay with the dirty woman Horiyah? You know, men hate most. What is being cuckolded by his own woman, as long as Horiyah is still there, my son will never pass this hurdle…”

Regnar said contemptuously: “Your son can’t pass this hurdle. It has nothing to do with me. Horiyah, I gave her my words. If you don’t want to, you can move out of Tomson and leave the villa to Horiyah.”

When Mrs. Willson heard this, she immediately realized that she couldn’t say more. If she continued to talk to Regnar, she might not even be able to keep the right to reside in the villa.

Mrs. Willson has experienced the taste of sleeping on the street, so she never wants to have such a hard life again.

She couldn’t help but secretly thought: “As long as I can keep the residence right of Tomson Villa, even if my son always wears a green hat on his head, I can accept it. I am so old that I can’t live for many years. In the next few years, I don’t want to suffer that kind of suffering anymore!”

So, she could only grit her teeth and agree, saying, “Mr. Regnar, don’t worry! I will definitely keep Horiyah in Willson’s house!”

Regnar snorted coldly: “Forget we are acquainted! Don’t call to bother me anymore.”

Mrs. Willson hurriedly asked: “Mr. Regnar, don’t hang up in a hurry, I have one more thing I want to ask you for help…”

“Say it.”

Mrs. Willson said hurriedly: “My son and grandson are both seriously injured, and now there is no money for treatment. Can you please lend us hundreds of thousands for help?”

“Lent you hundreds of thousands?” Regnar said disdainfully: “Don’t forget, your Willson Group still owes me tens of millions. At this time, you still lick your face and ask me to borrow money. How thick?”

Mrs. Willson cried and said, “But my son and grandson can’t just bear it like this…”

Regnar said: “I heard that they are no longer in danger, and the plaster is also put on. You can take them home and cultivate slowly.”

Mrs. Willson choked up and said, “But neither of them has the ability to take care of themselves. It will cost a lot of money to hire a caregiver or something…”

Regnar smiled and said, “Well, you don’t have to worry about them. I will tell the hospital about their treatment fees. You don’t need to pay them. You can take them back at any time. In addition, I have already given it to you. Three helpers have been arranged. You can wait. Then these three people will help you.”

Mrs. Willson felt a glimmer of humanity in Regnar at this moment, and thought: “In any case, Mr. Orvel can still keep the villa for us to live in, and arrange for three helpers to come over. This is not bad. Maybe he was really angry, so he made the decision to divest. Maybe he will reinvest in the Willson family when he gets better in the future!”

Thinking of this, Mrs. Willson hurriedly said gratefully: “Thank you so much!”

Chapter 1939

At this moment, Elaine’s situation is also very tragic.

She was first sent to the best orthopedic hospital in Aurous Hill by Mr. Regnar’s men, and then an expert was urgently arranged to perform joint surgery on her knee.

In fact, for injuries like hers, the best way is to undergo surgery in the shortest possible time. After fixing the knees with steel plates and nails, they are wrapped in plaster for protection.

In this way, the best recovery effect can also be obtained.

After the operation, she returned to the ward, where Orvel’s men were already waiting for her.

The subordinate opened his mouth and said to Elaine: “Ms. Elaine, you have done a lot to arrest Roxa this time, so all your treatment costs this time will be borne by our agency.”

Elaine looked at the right leg that was put in plaster again, and she burst into tears in discomfort, and choked up: “Comrade Interpol, you can’t let that b!tch go anyway!”

The man nodded and said solemnly: “Ms. Elaine, don’t worry, we will bring her to justice!”

He said, “By the way, Ms. Elaine, for your personal safety, I have to remind you of something else.”

As soon as Elaine heard that it was related to her personal safety, she said hurriedly: “Say!”

The man said seriously: “Roxa is a transnational fraudster. Behind her is a huge fraud group spanning dozens of countries. Although we have arrested Roxa this time, there are still many of Roxa’s comrades who have to be arrested, so you must not tell anyone about this matter, otherwise, it is very likely that you will be retaliated by this fraud group!”

When Elaine heard this, she burst into tears!

“Mom, this is endless! It was because of this thing last time that I was taken into the detention center. I suffered a lot and my leg was broken…”

“Now my leg was just right, I haven’t had time to jump for two days, or because of this, it is broken again, you said they will come to retaliate against me next time, then what can I do in the future? I…… Why do I have such a hard life…”

The man hurriedly comforted: “Ms. Elaine, don’t get excited. This time is different from the last time.”

Elaine cried and asked, “What’s the difference? Didn’t you still catch them clean? As long as they have a comrade outside, it is possible to retaliate against me! And this time I got their boss Roxa in. Now, they will not let me go! They interrupted my leg before, and might kill me!”

The person explained: “This is Ms. Elaine. We are still very cautious. The arrest of Roxa has not leaked any information. As long as we do not disclose it, and you do not disclose this matter, no one will think of it. You can go on to live a normal life.”

Elaine breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked, “But you see how miserable I am now, my leg is broken, my face is beaten and swollen into a pig’s head, and my hair is choked off by that b!tch. How can I explain it to my family?”

The man hurriedly said, “In fact, this matter is easy to explain. How did you explain to your family the last time you entered the detention center?”

Elaine said: “I told them that I was tricked into an MLM organization, and then I was taken into the detention center as an MLM employee…”

The man nodded and said, “You tell your family this time that members of several MLM organizations deliberately designed to retaliate against you, so they beat you like this. I think they should believe it.”

Elaine sighed, “Hey, this is the only way to do things now…”

The man took out Elaine’s mobile phone and handed it to her, “Ms. Elaine, you can contact your family. To avoid suspicion, I will also leave.”

Elaine nodded, looked at the person in a flustered manner, and exhorted: “Comrade Interpol, please be sure to keep things alive today. Don’t let Roxa’s associates know that I got her in, otherwise. My life is definitely gone, please…”

The man said seriously: “Don’t worry, we must keep it strictly confidential!”

After that, the man said in a convenient way: “Ms. Elaine, take care of your injuries, I will leave now.”

After the man left, Elaine picked up the phone and quickly called Claire.

As soon as the phone was connected, she immediately cried and said, “Claire, my dear girl! Come and see mom in the hospital! Mom’s leg is broken again… Why do you think mom’s fate… …”

Chapter 1940

Claire was about to get off work. She was shocked when she heard this, and blurted out, “Mom, what’s wrong with you?! How did you break your leg again?!”

Elaine cried and said, “Don’t mention it. Mom let the people of the MLM organization take revenge. They caught me and gave me a fat beating… My hair was smashed and my legs are broken up…”

“Ah?!” Claire hurriedly asked: “Did you call the police?”

Elaine cried and said: “Reported, Comrade Police has arrested them, come and see mom!”

Claire asked, “Which hospital are you in, I’ll be there!”

Elaine choked and said, “I’m in this Aurous Hill Orthopedic Hospital, come on…”

Claire blurted out: “Okay, mom, wait a minute, I’ll come!”

Claire hung up Elaine’s phone at this time, and while drove to the hospital, he hurriedly called Charlie.

Charlie had already returned home at this time, watching TV in the living room pretending to be a casual person.

Jacob also came back, and he was about to make a pot of tea and have a drink with Charlie.

Charlie received a call from Claire, already knowing what was going on, but still pretending not to know, he asked, “My wife, are you off work?”

Claire hurriedly said, “Husband, where are you?”

Charlie casually said: “I’m at home.”

Claire asked again: “Where is Dad?”

Charlie said, “Dad is also at home and just came back.”

Claire hurriedly said, “Then you and dad should drive to the orthopedic hospital! Mom, she is in the hospital! I’m driving there too, see you at the hospital!”

Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked, “What? Did mom go to the hospital again? What’s the matter?”

Claire said with a bit of sobbing, “Mom, she was retaliated by the people from the MLM organization. Those people broke her leg, but don’t know the specifics, so I have to go there!”

Charlie said hurriedly: “That’s OK! Then dad and I will go out and rush over!”

“Okay, see you in the hospital!”

Jacob was preparing to make tea. Hearing this, he asked in surprise, “Charlie, what’s the matter?”

Charlie said: “The people of the MLM organization retaliated against mom, and the leg is broken. She is at the hospital, let us go there!”

Jacob asked in surprise: “Elaine’s leg is broken again?! What you said is true?!”

Charlie said awkwardly, “Dad, how do I think about what you mean? You seem quite happy…”

Jacob said seriously: “Charlie, it is reasonable to say that I really shouldn’t be gloating, but when I think about Elaine’s legs in plaster and crutches, I just want to laugh inexplicably…… Isn’t it a bit unkind to say that, but hahaha…”

Charlie shook his head helplessly: “You also know that you are not kind. When you see mom later, don’t laugh.”

Noah nodded: “Don’t worry, I can hold it back.”

After that, he hurriedly put down the tea set and urged: “My son-in-law, let’s go quickly, I can’t wait to see how terrible she is now!”

The charismatic Charles Wade Ch. 1921-1940 - EthicLearner (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.