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Milwee Middle - Civics EOC Study Plan This schedule is intended to be a guide to help your prepare for this year’s Civics End of Course Exam.

EOC- which will count for 30% of your overall yearly grade in Civics. Use your Civics EOC Study Packet, our eCampus Course, your handouts, our online text book, Youtube, and

http://www.ecsd-fl.schoolloop.com/civics to help you prepare!

Week 1: April 10-17 Reporting Category 1: Origins and Purposes of Law and Government

o Enlightenment Ideas: SS.7.C.1.1 (Chapter 4) o Impact of Key Documents: SS.7.C.1.2 (Chapter 4) o English Policies: SS.7.C.1.3 (Chapter 4) o Declaration of Independence: SS.7.C.1.4 (Chapter 4) o Articles of Confederation: SS.7.C.1.5 (Chapter 5) o Preamble of the Constitution: SS.7.C.1.6 (Chapter 5) o Separation of Powers and Checks & Balances: SS.7.C.1.7 (Chapter 5,7,8,9) o Federalists and Anti-Federalists: SS.7.C.1.8 (Chapter 5) o Rule of Law: SS.7.C.1.9 (Chapter 5) o Sources & Types of Laws: SS.7.C.3.10 (Chapter 15 & 16)

Week 2: April 17-24

Reporting Category 2: Roles, Rights, & Responsibilities of Citizens o Citizenship: SS.7.C.2.1 (Chapter 3) o Obligations of Citizens: SS.7.C.2.2 (Chapter 3) o Bill of Rights & Other Amendments: SS.7.C.2.4 (Chapter 6) o Constitutional Safeguards & Limits: SS.7.C.2.5 (Chapter 5 & 6 – others

throughout) o Constitutional Rights: SS.7.C.3.6 (Chapter 5 & 6 – others throughout) o 13th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 24th, & 26th Amendments: SS.7.C.3.7 (Chapter 6) o Landmark Supreme Court Cases: SS.7.C.3.12 (Throughout the Text)

Week 3: April 24-May 1

Reporting Category 3: Government Policies and Political Process o Political Parties: SS.7.C.2.8 (Chapter 10) o Qualifications for Political Office: SS.7.C.2.9 (Chapter 7,8,9,13,14) o Monitoring & Influencing Government: SS.7.C.2.10 (Chapter 12) o Media & Political Communications: SS.7.C.2.11(Chapter 12) o Public Policy: SS.7.C.2.12 (Throughout the Text) o Multiple Perspectives: SS.7.C.2.13 (Throughout the Text) o U.S. Domestic & Foreign Policy: SS.7.C.4.1 (Chapter 25) o Participation in International Organizations: SS.7.C.4.2 (Chapter 25) o U.S. & International Conflicts: SS.7.C.4.3 (Chapter 25)

Week 4: May 1-7

Reporting Category 4: Organization and Function of Government o Forms of Government: SS.7.C.3.1 (Chapter 3) o Systems of Government: SS.7.C.3.2 (Chapter 3,4) o Three Branches of Government: SS.7.C.3.3 (Chapter5,7,8,9) o Federalism: SS.7.C.3.4 (Chapter 5) o Amendment Process: SS.7.C.3.5 (Page 133-135) o Structure, Function, & Processes of Government: SS.7.C.3.8 (Chapter5,7,8,9) o Court System: SS.7.C.3.11 (Chapter 9,13,15) o United States & Florida Constitutions: SS.7.C.3.13 (Chapter 5,13) o Government Obligations & Services: SS.7.C.3.14 (Throughout the Text)

Week 5: May 7-14



TEST DAY: May 17th

Study Plan Checklist

Study Guide Pages 1-2 Pages 3-4 Pages 5-7.5 Pages 7.5-9 Pages 10-11 Pages 12-13 Pages 14-15 Vocab Games RC 1 Vocab Games RC 2 Vocab Games RC 3 Vocab Games RC 4 Vocab Games Practice Test: FLVS Score:__________ Test I Score:__________ Test II Score:_________ Test III Score:________ iCivics Games Argument Wars Do I Have a Right? Do I Have a Right – Bill

of Rights Edition Branches of Power Cast Your Vote Counties Work Court Quest Crisis of Nations Executive Command Immigration Nation Law Craft People’s Pie Power Play Represent Me Responsibility

Launcher Supreme Decision We The Jury Win the White House

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Milwee Middle School - Civics EOC Study Guide This study guide is intended to help you review major concepts and vocabulary from throughout the year. You should also be studying

your notes, eCampus assignments, and benchmark clarifications noted on the front page to ensure you hit ALL content areas. Additionally, taking the practice test on eCampus once a week to familiarize yourself with the question formatting.

Directions: Complete each section of the study guide using your understanding of the concepts from throughout the year. You may have

to research, revise, and return to sections to respond to each prompt correctly.


Citizenship _____________________________________ Someone who permanently lives in the U.S., but is not a ____________________.

_____________________________________ Someone who moves from one country to another country.

Law of _______________ If your parents are U.S. citizens, you are a U.S. ____________________. Law of _______________ If you are born on U.S. soil, you are automatically a ___________________. _S__________ _S_________ _S__________ Men between 18 and 25 are signed up and can be drafted into war if needed.

Definition of Citizenship (14th amendment) Anyone who is ______________ or ________________ is a U.S. citizen.

Why is it important to fulfill our obligations of citizenship?

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Why is it important for citizens to be active participants in the community?

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Why do we have the naturalization process?

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Naturalization Process




Obligations of citizenship



Responsibilities of citizenship.



First Set of requirements

1) ____ Years old

2) Live in U.S. for _________

3) Good ________________

Interview and Take Test

4) Read, ____________, &

___________ _____________

5) Knowledge of ____________

& __________

Citizenship Ceremony

Give the ____________


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Forms & Systems of Government SYSTEMS of Government Determines how Power is divided in the country.

FORMS of Government Shows who has the power in government.

Systems of Government

System of Government Central Government has most/all of the

power The States have a most/all of the power.

____________________ System X _____________________System X

___________________ System X X

_P____________ System System of government in which the citizens elect representatives. However, the elected representatives choose the _______ ____________, who is the executive authority of the country.

Forms of Government FORMS of Government Shows who has the power in government.

_______________________ When the citizens control the government by directly deciding/voting on laws and procedures.

_______________/________ When the citizens control the government, but elect _____________________ to govern the country. This is also called popular sovereignty.

Absolute Monarchy ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________ Power is inherited through the bloodline, but a __________________ limits the monarch’s power.


_______________________ When one person has complete control over the country and citizens. The most common type is a ___________________.

Anarchy ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

_______________________ Every citizen in the country is equal and the citizens own all means of production.

Communism ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Foundations of American Democracy (Enlightenment and Influential Docs) E_________________ Thinkers Group of people who came up with theories on how the government should run.

_________________________ A theory created by John Locke that says all people are born with the rights to _________, _____________, & _______________.

_________________________ A theory created by John Locke that says in order for people to protect their natural rights, they must create a contract between themselves and a _________________.

_________________________ A theory created by Montesquieu that says the only way government will work properly is if it is broken up into ___ branches.

Influential Documents

What was the document? Ideas our founding

fathers gained from it.

__________________ Document that limited the power of the King of England and made sure the King had to follow all the laws of the kingdom.

_____________________ _____________________

__________________ Document that gave additional rights to the people of England (i.e. freedom of speech, no cruel or unusual punishment, etc.)

_____________________ _____________________

__________________ Document that outlined how the people on the Mayflower would be governed once they landed.


Thomas Paine’s Common Sense


Declaring Independence

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English Polices and Steps Toward Independence


Colonists wanted more land westward. Britain sent troops to help win the war. King George felt the

colonists should have to repay war costs and forbade them to expand into old French territory.

Taxing of the colonists increased.

__________________ Tax on every piece of printed paper; legal documents, licenses, newspapers etc.

Townshend Act

1767 Placed new taxes _________________________________________________________

Tea Act of 1773 Required colonists to buy __________ only from the British East India Company. Colonists

response: ____________________________________________________


_________________________: Required colonists to provide housing for British soldiers

Also included: closing Boston Harbor until ruined tea was paid for and made town meetings illegal.


First Continental


Sent a_____________ to King George asking him to respect the colonists’ rights as British citizens.

Organized a _________________ of British goods and banned trade with Britain.

Thomas Paine’s

______ _________ The 1776 publication moved colonists to declare independence from England.




Fighting between colonist and British had begun. Approved the Declaration of Independence

Understanding the Declaration of Independence In this section you may need to look at the actual text within the Declaration of Independence to respond accurately!

Different parts of the Declaration of Independence Meaning of the parts of the Declaration. “____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________”

People are born with certain rights that can’t be taken away.

“Among these are ________, ____________, and the _______________________________.”

Thomas Jefferson got the ideas for these rights from John Locke’s natural rights.

“____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________”

The purpose of government is to protect the _________ of the citizens.

“____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________”

Governments get their power only if citizens give them permission.

“Whenever any government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to ________ or __________ it.”

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Complaints in the Declaration of Independence In this section you may need to look at the actual text within the Declaration of Independence to respond accurately!

List of Complaints What the complaints are referring to

_______________________________________ The King took away colonists rights to have a jury decide whether they are guilty or not!

Imposing taxes without the consent of the people.

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________ The King & Parliament brought in their own judges & ordered the colonists’ judges around!

Quartering Soldiers _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________ The King got rid of the legislatures in the colonies, which made it impossible to govern themselves!

“He has refused to assent to laws…” The King refused to accept the laws of the colonies, which took away their ability to govern themselves!

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The United States Constitution Weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation How did the Constitution solve these weaknesses?

Congress didn’t have the power to ______________


The Constitution gave Congress the power to ______________


Congress couldn’t control _________ between the states. The Constitution gave Congress the power to control

____________ between the states.

Congress couldn’t ______________ the laws it passed. The Constitution created the _____________ branch whose main

job is to _____________ ________.

The national government had no court system.

(no _____________ branch)

The Constitution created the ___________ branch, which is in

Article ___.

The national government had no leadership

(no _____________ branch)

The Constitution created the ___________ branch, which is in

Article ___.

To change the Articles, _________________________

______________________________________. The Constitution made it so that only __/__ of the ________

legislatures were needed to ___________ the Constitution.

The above weaknesses were the result of The Articles of Confederation creating a government that was too ___________.

Shays’ Rebellion was important because it _____________________________________________________________________________________.

Federalists v. Anti-Federalists


1) Believed in a _________ central/national government.

2) Wanted the ______________ ratified just the way it was.


1) Believed in a _________ central/national government.

2) Wanted the ___________ to have more power than the central government

3) Argued that the Constitution should protect the _________ of citizens and wanted to add a

_______ ____ ________ to the Constitution before it was _____________.

____________________ A set of published articles and essays written to support ratification of the ____________.

Anti-Federalist Papers



Preamble of the Constitution What was the intention of the preamble to the Constitution? It is an _____________________ to the Constitution, establishing

the ____________ and ______________ of government.

Parts of the Preamble Goals and Purposes of the parts of the Preamble


The government depends on the _____________ for its power and exists to _________




The government should be a better union of states than the one created under the

Articles of Confederation.


The government should protect the freedoms of the people and keep things fair

and honest.

“ensure domestic tranquility”

The government should _____________________________________________

“provide for the common


The government should _____________________________________________

“_____________________________________” The government should work to make things better for everyone in the U.S.

“secure the blessings of liberty to

ourselves and our posterity”

The government should protect freedoms _______ and for ________________


“do __________ and establish this


This Constitution is officially the governing document for the United States of


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Separation of Powers vs. Checks and Balances _________________ of _______________ ___________________ and ___________________

The limitation of government power by separating the power into _______ separate


The ability of each branch of government to limit each other’s powers so one doesn’t become ______ ______________.

Example: Our constitution created the __________, ____________, and ____________ branches.

1) The president can ___________ an act of Congress.

2) Congress can override a veto with a __/__ vote.

3) The Supreme Court can throw a law out if it violates the __________________. (judicial review)

4) ________________ appoints Supreme Court Justices.

5) The __________________ must confirm ALL appointments.

6) ________________ creates all lower federal courts. 7) __________________ can impeach judges & the president.

The Bill of Rights What are the Bill of Rights made up of? _____________________________________________________________

# Amendment Recap What do those rights mean?


Freedom of ___________ The government can’t take our right to speak openly and express ourselves.

Freedom of Religion ____________________________________________________________________________.

Freedom of _____________ The government can’t take away our right to come together in groups.

Freedom of


The government can’t take away our right to publish news and information, even if

it is about the government!

Freedom to Petition ___________________________________________________________________________.

2nd The right to Bear Arms ______________________________________________________________________



The government can’t force us to allow soldiers to live in our homes when there

isn’t a war.

4th No unreasonable

searches or seizures




“Pleading the Fifth” ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Double __________________ We cannot be charged for the same crime twice if we are found not-guilty the first


Due Process ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Self-Incrimination ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Eminent Domain The government can take private property for public use as long as they



______________________ We have the right to a quick that will be decided by an unbiased jury or our peers.

Right to legal counsel ________________________________________________________________________________________________


Right to a speedy and

public trial



Confronting Witness

and Notice of Charges



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7th Civil Trials ________________________________________________________________________________________________




We are protected from a judge giving us a punishment that is not fair for the crime

we have committed.

9th ______________________ Rights that we have that are NOT clearly written in the Constitution

10th ______________________

Powers not _____________ to the Federal Government by the Constitution, nor

prohibited by it to the States, are _____________ to the States respectively, or to the


Other Key Amendments and Acts


What caused this amendment to be

added to the Constitution?

What did the amendment


What impact did this amendment have on social movements?

What impact did this amendment have on politics?


A majority of citizens felt that

slavery was wrong.


African Americans began to gain rights in


This amendment was needed to classify African Americans as citizens.


African Americans and other groups

were being treated unequally. Defining

citizenship also made it easy to

classify the newly freed slaves as


Defined _____________

& created the “______________



Led to several movements including

the ______________ ______________ Movement.

Many groups of people, especially in the minority population, had to be

treated fairly under the law.


African Americans were new citizens and were told by some states that

they weren’t allowed to vote.

__________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

This amendment was also a big proponent of

the Civil Rights Movement.

Members of the government started to listen to the needs of African

Americans since they could now vote.


A group of women petitioned the

government for 50+ years to gain this amendment.

__________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Women have continued to fight for

equality over the years.

Members of the government started to listen to the needs of ______________

since they could now vote.


Some states were charging a tax to

vote so that those who were poor

couldn’t afford it.

__________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

This amendment helped spark further

Civil Rights Movements to end

voting discrimination.

_____________ people (many of them African Americans) started voting for candidates who would help fight for

their rights.

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Young men were being drafted into the __________ War. Citizens protested saying those who

fight for our country should get

to vote.

Lowered the

voting age from ____ to _____.


Members of the government started to listen to the needs of 18-20 year olds

since they could now vote.

Civil Rights Movement

What did the law/act do? Significance of Act/Law

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Forbid discrimination based on race, sex, or disability in jobs, schools,

public places, etc.


_______ _________ Act of 1965

Forbid discriminatory voting practices such as literacy tests.


Civil Rights Act of 1968

Forbid discrimination based on race in housing opportunities.


Legislative Branch: Article I Main Job: _______ the Laws

Congress (bicameral: __ _______)

House of _____________ The ___________

What we call them… Congressman/Congresswoman Senators

# of Members 435 _______

Term in office ___ years ___ years


__________ of the House The ________ _____________.

The ____________________ is in charge when the VP is not available.

Requirements to run ____ years old

____ years as a U.S. citizen ____ years old

____ years as a U.S. citizen

Unique functions/jobs

Impeaches (accuses) officials/judges

Originate “money bills”

Holds the trial of the official/judge impeached Ratifies Treaties with a _______ vote. __________________ president appointments

_____________ leader The leader of the political party who has the most members in the House/Senate.

_____________ leader The leader of the political party who has the _______ members in the House/Senate.

Basic Powers of Congress

1) Collect ____________. 2) Borrow _____________. 3) ___________/____________ money.

4) _________ __________. 5) Create _________ ___________. 6) Regulate ___________ between states.

7) Regulate laws involving ___________________. 8) Create & pay for an __________ & ____________.

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How a Bill Becomes a Law


Committee System in Congress What are the purpose of committees in Congress?

To divide the bills among the members of Congress by category so that 435 people don’t debate over every bill at once.

4 factors that determine what committee a member of Congress joins.

1) ______________________________________________________________ 2) The political party he/she is in. 3) ______________________________________________________________ 4) ______________________________________________________________

Committee Explanation of this type of Committee Example of this type of Committee

Standing Committee ___________________________________________ Senate Finance Committee

_________ Committee A committee that is temporary for a specific bill. Senate International Narcotics Control Committee


Committees that have members of both the House and Senate to work out compromises on a bill.

There are currently no conference committees in Congress.

Executive Branch: Article II Main Job: ________ the laws

President Cabinet

Main Roles 1) Commander of the _______ _________. 2) Creates __________ policy. 3) Leader of the entire ___________ branch.

Main Roles

1) Give __________ to the president. 2) Help ___________ the laws passed by Congress.

Requirements to run 1) _____ years old 2) Resident of U.S. for _____ years 3) _______________________.

Powers of the President

1) _______ bills from Congress. 2) _________ criminals. 3) Create __________ ________, which are laws passed without Congress. 4) Makes ________ with other countries. 5) ___________ federal judges, Supreme Court Justices, Ambassadors, and cabinet members. 6) Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.

A new bill is ____________

by either a Senator or a

Representative in Congress.

The bill is sent to

the appropriate


The committee

discusses, debates,

and votes on the bill.

The bill is sent

back to either

the House of


OR the Senate

and a _________

must vote yes. The bill goes to the


house for vote.

The bill is sent to the

appropriate ___________.

If the bill passes both

houses, it goes to the


The president can either

sign the bill or ______ it.

If the president

signs it, it

becomes a ____!

If the president

_______ it, it

goes back to


Congress can….

1) Let the bill die

2) Rewrite it or

3) Overrule the president’s

veto with a __/__ vote.

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Judicial Branch: Article III Main Job: __________ the laws

Supreme Court

Requirements Appointed by the _________________. Confirmed by the ___________________.

Term ________________

Leader ___________________ _____________________

Powers of the Supreme Court

Judicial Review The power of the Supreme Court to ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________.

_Writ_ ___ ____________

When the Supreme Court sends a request to a lower court to send them all the documents on a case. This is done because the Supreme Court has decided they are going to hear the case.

The Supreme Court has _________________ over all cases involving disputes between states.

What is the purpose of the trial courts? To look at the ____________ in a case and determine a __________. What is the purpose of the appellate courts?

To review the _______ court decision for ________/__________.

Why are juries an important part of trials? _________________________________________________________.

Federal Court System

Florida Court System

U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Court of __________

U.S. _________ Courts

*The _______ court at the federal level.

*First court to hear all cases at the federal level,

except those the Supreme Court has the power

to hear.

*Hears __________ from the U.S. District Court.

*Highest court in the United States

* Hears ___________ from the two lower

courts as well as the _________ Supreme Court.

Article III



the power to

create these


Florida ____________ Court

District Court of ___________

_____________ Courts

_________ Courts *Has ____________ over cases involving:

1) Misdemeanors (_______ than a year in jail)

2) Civil cases under ___________

3) Traffic violations

*Has ______________ over cases involving:

1) Felonies (_______ than a year in jail)

2) Civil cases over $15,000

3) Family & juvenile cases

4) Appeals from the County Court

*Has ______________ over cases involving:

1) Appeals from both the __________ courts

and the ___________ courts.

*Has ______________ over cases involving:

1) Appeals from all lower courts.

2) Cases involving the Florida Constitution.

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Landmark Supreme Court Cases Supreme Court Case Outcome and Significance of the Case ________________________ Established judicial review for the Supreme Court.

_______________________ This case changed how states conduct elections after a controversial ballot recount. _______________________ Allowed segregation (________________) of the races. “Separate but equal”


Stated ________________ no longer allowed. “Segregation is inherently unequal”


Upheld right of students to wear armbands in protest of the Vietnam War as a symbol of __________ ___ __________. Expanded students’ rights in schools.


Allows school administration to censor student’s free speech if it is disrupting to the educational environment.

______________________ This case established the right for those accused of crimes to have legal counsel.

________________________ This case established the “__________ Rights.” People accused of crimes are protected from self-________________.

________________________ NO ONE is above the rule of ______, not even the _____________! ________________________ Extended _____ ______ rights to juveniles.

________________________ This case expanded the rights of those who carry guns.

American Law Types of Law Definitions

___________________________ Laws that make an action a crime. This law is meant to protect citizens. ___________________________ Laws involving disagreements between citizens. “If it’s not criminal, it’s ________”

Juvenile Law _____________________________________________________________

Military Law _____________________________________________________________

Sources of Law Explanation


The _________________ is the Supreme Law of the Land. Judges/courts will use the Constitution to determine what the law is.


Both Congress and the Florida government have a series of books of all of the laws they have passed. Judges/courts will use these laws to determine the outcome of a

case in court.

_________ Law

When a judge makes a decision on a case, that case can be used in the future to help decide a similar case.

This is also known as ______________ and/or _____________ Law

Judicial terms Definitions/Explanations

____________ _____________ When a judge/court throws out a case (or part of a case) due to lack of _________.

_________ _________

When a judge orders someone to either do (i.e. community service) or not do something (i.e. restraining order)


The right of someone in jail to formally request to see a judge if they have evidence they don’t belong in jail.

_____ _________ __________

You may not be charged with a crime it that action became a crime after you did it.

Rule of Law What is the rule of law? ________________________________________________________________

Impact of Rule of Law on


1) The government is ______________ for obeying the law like everyone else.

2) The government must enforce the laws. 3) The government must provide those accused of crimes with due process. 4) The government shouldn’t keep things _________, they should be transparent. 5) The government must consistently apply the laws to _______________.

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Political Parties A political party is _________________________________________________________________________________. A party platform is ________________________________________________________________________________.

A candidate is ______________________________________________________________________________________.

A third party is ____________________________________________________________________________________.

What impact do political parties have on society? *They shape how citizens think about the government. What impact do political parties have on

government? They shape what kinds of _________ are passed.

What impact do political parties have on the political system?

Because ___________ and ______________ are the two major political parties, it’s unlikely that others can get elected.

Democrats and Republicans DO NOT like _______ parties because _____________________________________________.

Political Party Ideas of Government Responsibilities


*Government should provide more social services to take care of the citizens. *The wealthy should pay a higher tax rate to help pay for the services to help citizens. *Government should be more involved in how businesses run things. *Strong belief in equal rights for citizens.


*Government should let citizens run their own lives with little interference. *Government should lower the taxes for citizens as much as possible. *Government should allow businesses to operate with little government interference. *Believes in traditional social values

Communist Party

*Government should provide free healthcare to everyone. *Businesses should not keep their profits *Substantially increase taxes on the wealthy

Socialist Party *Eliminate all private ownership of banks, insurance companies, etc. (should be owned by all) * U.S. Military should be cut drastically and we should stop aiding other countries drastically. *Strong belief in equality of citizens. Believes capitalism is the cause for most discrimination.

Libertarian Party *Government should allow citizens to freely run their own lives without government interference. *Everyone should be treated equally and fairly under the law.

Federalism The concept that the _______________ & ______________ governments both have their own powers, but also ___________ powers.

______________ Clause If a federal law and a state law conflict with each other, the federal law wins.

____________, ___________, & ______________ powers _______________ powers ___________________ powers

*___________, ____________, & delegated powers are

powers given to the national government that are

clearly in the Constitution.

*_____________ powers are powers the national

government has that are not clearly listed in the

Constitution, but are ____________ & _________. Also

called the ___________ clause.

*Powers shared by both

national and state


*Powers reserved to the states

*The ____ amendment made sure states

would have these powers.

Correctly label the Venn Diagram and

fill in the powers using the list below

Coin/Print Money, Collect taxes, establish

courts, enforce laws, make laws, Declare

War, Provide an army/navy, Conduct

elections, marriage/driver licenses,

establish schools

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Amending the U.S. Constitution Step 1 Step 2

What are we doing when we are amending the Constitution? _______________________________________________________________.

Why is it necessary for us to have an amendment process? _______________________________________________________________.

Why did our founders make it difficult to amend the





Florida Government

What is the purpose of having a Constitution? 1) Provides a ______________ for government. 2) ________ government authority and power. 3) Protects the ________ of the people.

What is the outline of both the U.S. and Florida Constitution?

They both have __________________, _________________, and ______________.

What are the main similarities of the U.S. and Florida Constitution?

1) Both created ___ _____________ of government. 2) Both created a ___-__________ legislature with __ houses. 3) Both guarantee rights/freedoms for the citizens.

_____________ _______________ ___ ___________ List of rights guaranteed to the citizens outlined in the Florida Constitution.

What is the big difference about the amendment process for the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution?

The U.S. Constitution is ratified by __/__ of the _________ legislatures while the Florida Constitution is ratified by ____% of the citizens of Florida.

Executive Leader of Florida: ________________

Legislative Branch of Florida: ____________________ & _______________________

Requirements: 1) ____ years old 2) Live in Florida for ___ years.

Requirements: 1)____ years old 2) Live in Florida for ___ years

A state law is called a _______________. What is the only main difference between the U.S. and Florida with “How a Bill Becomes a Law”? The _____________ signs the bill into law in Florida instead of the ______________.

Services the Florida Government provides

1) Collects _______ to pay for things like education and highways. 2) Provide a public _____________ system 3) Provide marriage, __________, and business licenses.

4) Establish ________ Governments 5) Protect the ________ of citizens. 6) Provide public safety


of ________ houses of Congress

vote to ___________ the



of the _________ legislatures

vote to _________ the


Study the chart

comparing the

US and Florida


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Local Government

The Media & Interest Groups

Group How do they monitor the

government? How do they influence the government?

____ ________ As a ____________, the media keeps watch over the government to see if they are doing anything wrong.

The media reports what the government does to the __________, so the government is careful what they do while in office.

Interest Groups

Interest groups hire ____________ to see what kinds of laws government is passing and if it affects them.

1) Interest groups use the __________ to persuade members of the government to support them. 2) Interest groups form ____________ ___________ ___________ (_ _ _), which raise ________ for candidates running for office. If the candidate wins, the interest group expects them to pass laws that favor the interest group!

Citizens Citizens use the _______ to monitor government.

1) Citizens can ______________ the government. 2) Citizens _______ for candidates running for office. 3) Citizens can join/form _________ _________.

Bias, Propaganda, and Symbolism Political

Communication What is it? How can this impact the public opinion?

__________________ Favoring one view over another Citizens can be persuaded to feel a certain way

when bias is being used.


Media that tries to __________ us to think a certain way about a person

or product.

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


When propaganda transforms an image or a person or product to

make it look like something different.

The image used in symbolism can persuade people to feel differently about the person or product.

Public Policy & Problem Solving Public Policy Solution When citizens petition the ______________ to help solve a problem in the community.

_________ ___________ Solution When the _____________ step up to solve a problem in the community. (Join an interest group, start an __________ ________, fix it yourself, etc.)

What they include: Cities, towns, villages, counties

Executive Leader ___________

Requirements: 1)____ years old 2) Live in city/county

Law Makers (legislative)

_________________ Makes laws for the city they


_________________ Makes laws for the county they


_________ ________

This group of elected officials run the local school system. They decide on the budget, school calendars,


________________ Laws created by either the city council or county commissioners that apply only locally.

Services the Local Government provides

1) Collect ________ and recycling 2) Provides __________ to protect citizens and enforce the law. 3) Provides _______________ to help with emergencies.

4) Provides clean drinking _________. 5) Collects property taxes to maintain roads and schools.

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Foreign Policy ____________ Policy/Affairs The plans for dealing with issues inside the United States.

____________ Policy/Affairs The plans for dealing with issues with other countries.

Secretary of ________ Member of the president’s cabinet who deals with all _________ ________ situations.

_______________ When two or more countries make an agreement to support each other if there is a problem.

_______________ Someone who represents their country in a foreign country.

_______________ A diplomat who is the official representative to another country. This person lives in an ______________ within that country.

_______________ The official foreign policy of a country’s leader.

_______________ Working with a foreign country in a peaceful, effective way (i.e. negotiations, treaties) This is the main goal of U.S. Foreign Policy

______________ An official agreement with another country. The ____________ negotiates them and the ___________ ratifies them.

Why is it important to have international relations?


International Organizations

International Organization Intergovernmental

or Non-Governmental?

Description of Organization.

_________ ___________ (____)

__________________ Works to keep peace and build relations around the world. Location: _________________________

_________ __________ ___________ ___________ (_______)


Treaty agreeing to help each other if they are attacked.

_________ _________

__________________ Deals with disagreements between countries involving international law.

________ ________ ____________ (_____)

__________________ The only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.

_________ _________ _________ _________ (__________)

Intergovernmental, but works with NGO’s.

Raises money to help children around the world have a better quality of life.

____ _______/_____ ____________ ___________________ Works to help people around the world with natural disasters, victims of war, and disease.

________________________________ ___________________ (_________)

An agreement between the United States, ___________, and ___________ that makes trading between the three countries free.

International Conflicts

Method for dealing with International Conflict/Cooperation

What does it mean?

Impose _________ Stop all relations with the country.

(i.e. no trade with country, no tourism, no negotiating)

Military Action ______________________________________________________

Diplomatic Discussion _________________ with the other country to come to a peaceful conclusion

Send ________ Sending food, clothes, water, etc. to help the country out.

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International Conflict

Why did the U.S. get involved? (motivation) What action did the U.S. take?

Bay Of Pigs _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

The U.S. military trained 1500 Cubans, who invaded Cuba.

________ ________ _______

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

The U.S. negotiated with Russia to remove the missiles.

Korean War _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Sent in troops through the U.N.

______ _________ ________

The U.S. wanted to free the U.S. citizens who were being held hostage.

The U.S. placed sanctions on Iran until the hostage was over.

Gulf War I (Persian Gulf War)

The U.S. wasn’t going to let Kuwait be taken over by Iraq.

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Gulf War II (Iraq War)

The U.S. was concerned that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

________ _____

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

The U.S. sent in troops to help South Vietnam.

World War I _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

The U.S. declared war on Germany

World War II _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

The U.S. declared war on Germany and Japan.

Questions to Ponder and Discuss 1. How does government affect our lives?

2. What does it mean to be a good citizen?

3. Why are natural rights considered “Enlightened” ideas?

4. How do you know that our democratic ideals were influenced by John Locke and Montesquieu?

5. Why were having different perspectives so important when writing the U.S. Constitution?

6. How do political parties affect society today?

7. Why is it necessary to have different political ideologies?

8. Why are forms of political communication (bias/propaganda) both harmful and useful?

9. How do citizens, both individually and collectively, influence government?

10. How is the organization of the U.S. Constitution unique?

11. How are the roles and responsibilities interconnected among the three branches of government?

12. How do key character traits or expectations of government leaders differ among the branches?

13. How has/does the amendment process enable/enabled society to grow and evolve?

14. How is the value that a society places on individual rights reflected in that society’s government?

15. How does the rule of law remain constant through changes and growth in society?

16. How does a landmark case reflect the social, political, economic and cultural aspects of that period in time? 17. Why is federalism important when limiting the power of government?

18. How has the US Constitution influenced to formation of the Florida Constitution?

19. How can public policy be used to improve society?

20. What motivates the formation of different political systems and forms of government?

21. How does the U.S. involvement in international conflicts and organizations impact its domestic policy?

22. How does global interdependence influence US foreign policy?

23. Why are natural rights considered “Enlightened” ideas?

24. How do you know that our democratic ideals were influenced by John Locke and Montesquieu?

25. Why were having different perspectives important when writing the U.S. Constitution?

26. How is the organization of the U.S. Constitution unique?

27. How does the rule of law remain constant through changes and growth in society?

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