Fish Cheeks Commonlit Answer Key Pdf (2025)

1. Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan - CommonLit

  • In this lesson, you'll practice analyzing how an author develops a narrator's point of view. This means determining what the narrator thinks or believes and ...

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Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan - CommonLit

2. [PDF] Fish Cheeks - CommonLit

  • EXIT TICKET for “Fish Cheeks”. Step 1. Directions​: ​Answer the multiple choice questions below. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. 1. How does the narrator's point of ...

3. Amy Tan's "Fish Cheeks": Questions w/Answer Key, 2 Worksheets + More!

  • I use these questions to help my students gain a deeper understanding of Amy Tan's story about identity and assimilation. Questions can be used as a reading ...

  • I use these questions to help my students gain a deeper understanding of Amy Tan's story about identity and assimilation. Questions can be used as a reading guide or as an assessment. This product also contains an EDITABLE matching vocabulary exercise, two (2) EDITABLE True-False exercises intended ...

Amy Tan's

4. [PDF] Grade 6 / Week 6 - Leon County Schools

5. CommonLit Library | Browse Texts & Stories by Theme, Grade Level and ...

  • Displaying 181-240 of 317 result(s) for "growing up soto" Clear search results ... Fish Cheeks. Amy Tan. A girl navigates the dilemma of hosting her crush's ...

  • View the CommonLit library. Filter stories & texts by grade level, theme, genre, literacy device and standards.

CommonLit Library | Browse Texts & Stories by Theme, Grade Level and ...

6. [PDF] Fish Cheeks Amy Tan - english i with jeff mercado

  • I fell in love with the minister's son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese, but as white as Mary in the manger. For Christmas I prayed for this ...

7. "Fish Cheeks" by Amy Tan and "Hello, My Name Is" by Jason Kim - TPT

  • ... CommonLit.Note: This product is for single classroom use only, and may not be ... Answer Key. Included. Teaching Duration. 90 minutes. Report this resource to TPT.

  • This worksheet is to be used after reading "Fish Cheeks" by Amy Tan and "Hello, My Name Is ___" by Jason Kim. Both works are available for free on CommonLit.Note: This product is for single classroom use only, and may not be copied, modified, or shared in any way.

8. [PDF] Big Idea/ Topic Standard Alignment Instructional Design

  • 24 aug 2020 · found here • For other ... • Formative Assessment & Key for “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan This.

9. Fish cheeks (pdf) - Course Sidekick

  • 16 mrt 2023 · English document from San Clemente High, 3 pages, 1. Why does Tan cry when she finds out that the boy she is in love with is coming to ...

  • Ace your courses with our free study and lecture notes, summaries, exam prep, and other resources

Fish cheeks (pdf) - Course Sidekick

10. 5 Ways to Support English Language Learners in Your Class - CommonLit

  • 12 dec 2022 · A screenshot of the scaffolded reading questions for "Fish Cheeks." For our ELA curriculum, CommonLit 360, reading lessons also include a ...

  • CommonLit’s reading program is built to support ELL students with powerful digital accessibility tools and scaffolded reading questions.

5 Ways to Support English Language Learners in Your Class - CommonLit

11. "Fish Cheeks" — HCC Learning Web

  • "Fish Cheeks". To print or download this file, click the link below: PDF document icon Amy Tan.pdf — PDF document, 198 KB (203295 bytes). Thumbnails

  • To print or download this file, click the link below:

12. The House on Mango Street - Book Pairings - CommonLit

  • Fish Cheeks. Amy Tan 1987. Passage Summary: In "Fish Cheeks," which is about a Chinese American girl who feels embarrassed by her family during dinner, Tan ...

  • Passage Summary:

The House on Mango Street - Book Pairings - CommonLit

13. [PDF] “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan - Discussion Questions - Yeg Lit

  • You do not need to write down your answers. 1. Think of an occasion when you felt different or didn't fit in. How did you react? Did you try harder to.

Fish Cheeks Commonlit Answer Key Pdf (2025)


What is the central idea of the Fish Cheeks? ›

The main idea of Fish Cheeks is to be proud of one's identity. Throughout the entire story, Amy tries to deny her Chinese heritage but learns over time that she does not need to discard her background for the sake of others.

Is Fish Cheeks a true story? ›

In "Fish Cheeks", an autobiographical narrative by Amy Tan, fourteen-year-old Amy is thrown into a humiliating dinner with her Chinese family and the American boy on whom she has a crush. Years later, Amy reflects back on this embarrassing meal and realizes something about her parents and her heritage.

What embarrasses Amy at dinner? ›

Amy is embarrassed by her family and by the food (including fish cheeks) served to the guests, and again by her father's belching after dinner, although he explains that it's a polite Chinese custom that shows satisfaction.

What does Amy's mother mean when she says your only shame is to have shame paragraph 7? ›

What did Tan's mother mean when she said to Amy, “Your only shame is to have shame”? Her mother is attempting to point out that Amy should not be embarrassed about her culture. Amy's actions at dinner were embarrassing to her mother. Amy embarrassed the entire family by taking the fish cheeks.

What is the climax of Fish Cheeks? ›

The climax of Fish Cheeks, is when the families are having a meal and belching. For Amy, the situation is described as her most embarrassing moment. The reason is that the customs of her family and Robert's family clashed.

Why is it called Fish Cheeks? ›

"Fish Cheeks is named for the lean, tender cheek meat that is considered the tastiest part of a fish and a delicacy in Asia."

What is the message of Fish Cheeks? ›

Novelist Amy Tan narrates and records a past experience of clashing cultures in her narrative essay "Fish Cheeks" to illustrate how we should not be ashamed of our cultural background but rather accept and embrace it.

What is the tone in Amy Tan's Fish Cheeks? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The tone of the story is reflective as well as somewhat light hearted. She is reflects on this experience and about how her thoughts and feelings as a younger person about her Chinese identity have evolved as she has grown older.

Why does Tan's mother go out of her way to prepare? ›

Tan's mother went out of her way to prepare a disturbingly Chinese dinner because she wanted to demonstrate to her guests as well as her daughter that their Chinese heritage was nothing to be embarrassed about but rather something to be proud of. She proved this by taking the menu to the extreme.

Is Fish Cheeks a poem? ›

In "Fish Cheeks" a scant 500 words short story, Amy Tan serves up a coming of age story about an Asian American teenage girl.

What is the conflict in the story "Fish Cheeks"? ›

The major conflict of this story is Amy trying to impress Robert, but cannot do so because she finds her family and Chinese culture embarrassing compared to the American one.

Who is the antagonist in Fish Cheeks? ›

Protagonist and Antagonist

The Protagonist in “Fish Cheeks” is Amy. The antagonist is Amy's mother. The protagonist in “Rules of the Game” is Waverly Jong (in "Rules of the Game"), whereas the antagonist is Waverly Jong's competitor in chess and her mother.

What does the skirt in Fish Cheeks symbolize? ›

Explanation: The fish cheeks and beige tweed mini skirt are used as symbols by Tan in her writing. The fish cheeks symbolize her Chinese culture, while the mini skirt symbolizes her desire to assimilate into American culture.

Why did Tan name this passage Fish Cheeks? ›

Why did Tan name this passage “Fish Cheeks”? Fish cheeks are the best part of the fish according to Chinese culture. . Fish cheeks remind Tan of her father, who gave them to her at Christmas.

What was the strongest emotion that Amy the narrator felt in this story Fish Cheeks? ›

Final answer: The best piece of evidence showcasing the narrator's feelings towards her family's behavior in 'Fish Cheeks' by Amy Tan is her internal thoughts and feelings of embarrassment and desire to disappear due to her family's traditional Chinese habits during dinner.

What is the central conflict of Fish Cheeks? ›

The major conflict of this story is Amy trying to impress Robert, but cannot do so because she finds her family and Chinese culture embarrassing compared to the American one.

What is the central idea of the fish? ›

“The Fish” Themes

The poem illustrates how that empathy can be humbling, reminding people that, even if they might be used to seeing themselves as distinct from animals, they're really in the same boat: animals and humans alike take part in all the mess, struggle, and beauty of life.

What is Tan's purpose in writing Fish Cheeks? ›

The correct option is D. Amy Tan's purpose in writing “Fish Cheeks to inform and entertain by describing real events and expressing emotion.

What was the author's main purpose for writing this passage Fish Cheeks? ›

In conclusion, Amy Tan's purposes in writing "Fish Cheeks" are to inform readers about her cultural background and to entertain them by expressing her emotions.

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.