Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (2024)

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (1)

Beartown Rocks in the Clear Creek State Forest features an exceptional scenic overlook perched high atop a “rock city” dating back to the last Ice Age!

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (2)

Some of the individual boulders that make up this rock city are the size small houses.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (3)

And like Bilger’s Rocks in Clearfield County, oftentimes billed as “Pennsylvania’s Best Rock Outcropping”, Beartown Rocks is essentially a roadside attraction, meaning you can park right next to it and take a leisurely stroll through this “rock city” in Jefferson County.

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How to Find Beartown Rocks in the Clear Creek State Forest

Beartown Rocks is located just off of Corbett Road, a dirt State Forest road in Jefferson County.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (5)

Turn off of Corbett Road at the Beartown Rocks sign and proceed to the parking area just a few hundred yards ahead.

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If navigating by GPS, use coordinates 41.30137, -79.05823 to find the parking area next to Beartown Rocks.

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Exploring Beartown Rocks

To visit the boulder formations and scenic overlook at Beartown Rocks, follow the “overlook” trail to the right (between the two benches in picture below) from the back corner of the parking area.

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There is no “official” trail through the boulder formations, you can simply make your way through the rock city as you see fit.

The passageways between the boulders at Beartown Rocks are fairly wide, making it easy to explore even for those who don’t enjoy the claustrophobic sensations some boulder mazes can give you.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (10)

Compare that to the narrow crevasses at another of the PA’s finest rock formations, the rock city along the Fred Woods Trail in Cameron County!

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (11)

Beartown Rocks Overlook

The Beartown Rocks Overlook is close to the parking area, and reached by a set of wooden stairs.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (12)

The view from the Beartown Rocks Overlook is of the Clarion River valley, stretched out for what seems like a hundred miles before your eyes.

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The fall foliage views from the Beartown Rocks Overlook are spectacular!

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From the back edge of the overlook, you can look straight down into one of the crevasses below.

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Hiking Through Beartown Rocks

As mentioned earlier, the passageways between the boulders at Beartown Rocks are wide and relatively flat, meaning this is a fairly easy hike for all ages.

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Not that you couldn’t injure yourself if you tried to climb some of the larger boulders (don’t do that), but compared to other “rock cities” in PA, Beartown Rocks is pretty tame.

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In addition to the boulders, the trees grow in some interesting ways, between and around the massive rock formations.

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This entire area was clear-cut during the late 1800s timber boom, so it’s a blessing to be able to enjoy it as a forested recreational area in our current times.

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And come October, the fall foliage at Beartown Rocks is truly magical.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (20)

So if you’re looking for an easy-to-reach, easy-to-navigate “rock city” to explore, either by yourself or with young children, I can’t recommend Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County highly enough!

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (21)

Nearby Attractions

Cook Forest State Parkcovers an 8,500-acre expanse across portions ofClarion, Jefferson, and Forest counties.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (22)

Doolittle Stationin DuBois is an eclectic mix ofrestaurants, museums, a brewery, and a bed and breakfast, all housed in historic train cars!

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (23)

The Presidential Train Car Bed and BreakfastatDoolittle Stationin DuBois is your chance to spend the night on a perfectly-preserved tain car built for early 1900s railroad tycoons!

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (24)

Logan Falls is tucked away in the heart of theAllegheny National Forestin neighboring Forest County.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (25)

The Sherman Memorial Lighthouse in Forest County serves no navigational purpose, but at 75 feet tall, it’s the tallest functional lighthouse in Pennsylvania!

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (26)

Rapp Run Fallsis an almost-roadside waterfall inneighboring Clarion County.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (27)

Brady’s Bend Overlookin Clarion County is one of the finest roadside vistas in Pennsylvania!

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (28)

8 Must-See Attractions in Elk County is your guide to the best things to see and do in Jefferson County’s neighbor to the north.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (29)

Bilger’s Rocks, billed as “Pennsylvania’s Best Rock Outcropping”, is a 300 million year-old natural “rock city” in neighboring Clearfield County.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (30)

The Fred Woods Trail in Cameron County is one of the most scenic hikes in the PA Wilds, leading to two excellent vistas as well as its own “rock city”.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (31)

Kinzua Bridge State Parkin McKean County is home to what was oncethe longest and tallest railway bridge in the entire world– The Kinzua Viaduct.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (32)

Partially destroyed by a tornado in 2003, the State repurposed the remaining, still-standing 600 feet of bridge and built theKinzua Skywalk (a pedestrian walkway/overlook), which opened in 2011.

Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (33)

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Exploring Beartown Rocks in Jefferson County (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.