6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (2024)

We describe the Job-Shop Problem, a first model and the benchmark data. The Job-Shop Problem belongs to theintractable problems (6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (1) NP). Only few very special cases can be solved inpolynomial time (see [Garey1976] and [Kis2002]). The definition of this fascinating problem is not that complicated but youprobably will need some extra attention if this is your first encounter with it. Once you grasp itsdefinition, the next subsections should flow easily.

6.1.1. Description of the problem

In the classical Job-Shop Problem there are 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (2) jobs that must be processed on 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (3) machines.Each job consists of a sequence of different tasks[1]. Each task needs to be processed during anuninterrupted period of time on a given machine.

We use[2] 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (4) to denote the 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (5) task of job 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (6).

Given a set 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (7) of jobs, a set 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (8) of machines and a set 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (9) of tasks, we denoteby 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (10) the number of tasks for a given job 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (11). To each task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (12) correspondsan ordered pair 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (13): the task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (14) needs to be processed on machine 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (15)for a period of 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (16) units of time.

Here is an example with 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (17) machines and 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (18) jobs. We count jobs, machines and tasks starting from 0.

  • job 0 = 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (19)
  • job 1 = 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (20)
  • job 2 = 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (21)

In this example, job 2 consists of 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (22) tasks: task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (23) which must be processed on machine 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (24)during 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (25) units of time and task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (26) which must be processed on machine 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (27)during 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (28) units of time.

To have a Job-Shop Problem, the tasks must be processed in the order given by the sequence:for job 0 this means that task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (29)on machine 0 must be processed before task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (30) on machine 1 that itself must be processed before task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (31)on machine 2. It is not mandatory but most of the literature and benchmark data are concerned by problems where each jobis made of 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (32) tasks and each task in a job must be processed on a different machine, i.e. each job needs to beprocessed exactly once on each machine.

We seek a schedule (solution) that minimizes the makespan (duration) of the whole process.

The makespan is the duration between the start of the first task (across all machines) and the completion of the last task(again across all machines). The classical notation for the makespan is 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (33).

Let’s define 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (34) as the starting time of the processing of task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (35).

The makespan can be defined as

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (36)

or equivalently as the maximum time needed among all jobs to be completely processed. Recall that 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (37)denotes the number of tasks for job 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (38) and that we count starting from 0. 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (39) denotes thusthe starting time of the last task of job 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (40) and we have

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (41)

Let’s try to find a schedule for our example. Suppose you want to favour job 1 because you did see thatall jobs have the same processing time (7) and that job 1 has its last task requiring 4 units of time. Here is the Gantt chart of a possibleschedule:

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (42)

This is a feasible schedule since tasks within every job are processed one after the other in the right sequence andeach task is processed on the right machine. The makespanis 12 units of time. Can we do better? Focusing on one job is probably not the best strategy. Here is an optimal solution:

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (43)

Its makespan is 11 units of time.

How can we simply describe a schedule? We defined 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (44) as the starting time of task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (45). A feasibleschedule can then be defined as a set[3] of non negative integers 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (46)such that the definition of a Job-Shop Problem is respected.If we only consider schedules where all tasks are completely left shifted on the Gantt chart[4], we can definea feasible schedule by giving the sequence of jobs processed on each machine.

The first schedule can be described by:

  • Machine 0: job 1, job 0
  • Machine 1: job 2, job 1, job 0
  • Machine 2: job 1, job 2, job 0

and the second optimal one by

  • Machine 0: job 0, job 1
  • Machine 1: job 2, job 0, job 1
  • Machine 2: job 1, job 0, job 2

The Gantt chart offers a nice visualization of schedules but it doesn’t really give any insight into theproblem[5].The disjunctive graphallows a better understanding of the structure of the problem.

6.1.2. The disjunctive graph

The figure A disjunctive graph.represents the disjunctive graph ofour example.

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (47)

A disjunctive graph.

The disjunctive graph is 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (48) where

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (49) is the set of vertices corresponding to the tasks. Two fictive vertices 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (50) and 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (51) are added to
represent the start and end times. Each vertex has a weight corresponding to the processing time of the task it represents.Vertices 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (52) and 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (53) have weight 0.
6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (54) is a set of conjunctive arcs between the 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (55) and 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (56) tasks of a job.
We also add conjunctive arcs from 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (57) to the first task of every job and from the last task of every job to 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (58).These arcs are plain in the figure.
6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (59) is a set of disjunctive arcs between tasks to be processed on the same machine.
These arcs are dotted or dashed in the figure.

To determine a schedule we have to define an ordering of all tasks processed on each machine. This can be done by orientingall dotted or dashed edges such that each clique corresponding to a machine becomes acyclic[6].

Our first schedule is represented in the next figure.

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (60)

We also want to avoid cycles between disjunctive and conjunctive arcs because they lead to infeasible schedules.A feasible schedule is represented by a directed acyclic disjunctive graph. In fact, the opposite is also true. A complete orientationof the edges in 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (61) defines a feasible schedule if and only if the resulting directed disjunctive graph is acyclic.

The makespan is given by the longest weighted path from 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (62) to 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (63). This path - thickened in the next figure -is called the critical path.

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (64)

Its length is 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (65).

We can now define the Job-Shop Problem as a graph problem: find a completeorientation of the edges of a disjunctive graph such that the resulting directed graph is acyclic and the longest weighted pathfrom 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (66) to 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (67) is minimized. We will use this representation of the problem to design our model.

6.1.3. The disjunctive model

This model is a straightforward translation of the definition of a Job-Shop Problem andits disjunctive graph representation.

We again rely on the The three-stage method: describe, model and solve. What are the decision variables?We use the variables 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (68) to storethe starting time of task 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (69) of job 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (70). We could use two fictive variables corresponding to the fictivevertices 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (71) and 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (72) but this is not necessary.

To simplify the notation, we will use the notation 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (73) where 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (74) denotes a vertex (a task)of the disjunctive graph. We use the same simplified notation for the processing times (6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (75)) and the machine ids (6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (76)).

What are the constraints? In the disjunctive graph, we have two kind of edges to model a feasible schedule:

  • conjunctive arcs modelling the order in which each task of a job has to be processed:

    6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (77)

    These constraints are called conjunctive constraints.

  • disjunctive edges modelling the order in which tasks have to be processed on a single machine:

    6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (78)

    These constraints are called disjunctive constraints. They forbidcycles in a clique corresponding to a machine[7].

What is the objective function? The objective function (the makespan) 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (79) doesn’tcorrespond to a variable of the model. Wehave to construct its value. Because we minimize the makespan, we can usea little trick. Let 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (80) be the set of all end tasks of all jobs. In our example,6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (81). The makespan must be greater than the overall time it takes to process thesetasks:

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (82)

Here is the model[8]:

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (83)

We will implement and solve this model in the next section but first we need to read and process the data representinginstances of Job-Shop Problems.

6.1.4. The data and file formats

To collect the data, we use two different file formats: JSSP and professor Taillard’s format.In the directory data/jobshop, you can find data files for the Job-Shop Problem[9].The file jobshop.h lets you read both formats and store the data into a JobshopData class.We will use this class throughout this chapter.

JSSP stands for Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Let’s consider the beginning of file abz9:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++instance abz9+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Adams, Balas, and Zawack 15 x 20 instance (Table 1, instance 9)20 15 6 14 5 21 8 13 4 11 1 11 14 35 13 20 11 17 10 18 12 11 ... 1 35 5 31 0 13 3 26 6 14 9 17 7 38 12 20 10 19 13 12 ... 0 30 4 35 2 40 10 35 6 30 14 23 8 29 13 37 7 38 3 40 ... ...

The first line of real data is

20 15

This instance has 20 jobs to process on 15 machines. Each job is composed of exactly 15 tasks.

Each job corresponds to a line:

6 14 5 21 8 13 4 11 1 11 14 35 13 20 11 17 10 18 12 11 ...

Each pair 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (84) corresponds to a task.For this first job, the first task needs 14 units of time on machine 6, the second task needs 21 units of timeon machine 5 and so on.

As is often the case,there is a one to one correspondence between the tasks and the machines. Taillard’s format

Let’s consider the beginning of file 20_5_01_ta001.txt:

205873654221046854 79 16 66 58132583 3 89 58 56292315 11 49 31 20351371 99 15 68 85...

This format is made for flow-shop problems and not job-shop problems. The two first lines indicate that this instancehas 20 jobs to be processed on 5 machines. The next line (873654221) is a random seed number. The jobs are numbered from0 to 19. The data for the first job are:

046854 79 16 66 58

0 is the id or index of the first job. The next number is not important for the job-shop problem.The numbers in the last line correspond to processing times.We use the trick to assign these times to machines 0, 1, 2 and so on. So job 0 isactually

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (85)

Because of this trick, one can not easily define our problem instance above in this format and we don’t attempt to do it.

You can find anything you ever wanted to know and more about this format in [Taillard1993]. JobshopData

  1. C++ code:
    1. jobshop.h
    2. report_jobshopdata.cc
  2. Data files:
    1. abz9
    2. 20_5_01_ta001.txt
    3. first_example_jssp.txt

The JobshopData class is a simple container for job-shop problem instances. It is defined in the file jobshop.h.Basically, it wraps an std::vector<std::vector<Task> > container where Task is a struct defined as follows:

struct Task { Task(int j, int m, int d) : job_id(j), machine_id(m), duration(d) {} int job_id; int machine_id; int duration;};

Most part of the JobshopData class is devoted to the reading of both file formats.

The data file is processed at the creation of a JobShopData object:

explicit JobShopData(const string& filename) :...{ FileLineReader reader(filename_.c_str()); reader.set_line_callback(NewPermanentCallback( this, &JobShopData::ProcessNewLine)); reader.Reload(); if (!reader.loaded_successfully()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Could not open job-shop file " << filename_;}

To parse the data file and load the tasks for each job,we use a FileLineReader (declared in base/filelinereader.h). In itsReload() method, it triggers the callback void ProcessNewLine(char* const line) to readthe file one line at a time

The public methods of the JobShopData class are

  • the getters:

    • machine_count(): number of machines;
    • job_count(): number of jobs;
    • name(): instance name;
    • horizon(): the sum of all durations (and a trivial upper bound on the makespan).
    • const std::vector<Task>& TasksOfJob(int job_id) const: returns a reference to the corresponding std::vector<Task> of tasks.
  • two methods to report the content of the data file parsed:

    void Report(std::ostream & out);void ReportAll(std::ostream & out);

Just for fun, we have written the data file corresponding to our example above in JSSP format inthe file first_example_jssp.txt:

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++instance tutorial_first_jobshop_example+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Simple instance of a job-shop problem in JSSP formatto illustrate the working of the or-tools library3 3 0 3 1 2 2 2 0 2 2 1 1 4 1 4 2 3

The ReportAll() method outputs:

Job-shop problem instance in JSSP format read from file first_example_jssp.txtName: tutorial_first_jobshop_exampleJobs: 3Machines: 3==========================================Job: 0(0,3) (1,2) (2,2)Job: 1(0,2) (2,1) (1,4)Job: 2(1,4) (2,3)

The file report_jobshopdata.cc contains a simple program to test the content of data files for the Job-Shop Problem.


[1]Tasks are also called operations.
[2]We use a slightly different and we hope easier notation than the ones used by thescheduling community.
[3]And a correspondence rule between those integers and the tasks.
[4]A rigorous definition of schedules where all tasks are completely left shifted on the Gantt chartis beyond the scope of this manual. In scheduling jargon, such schedules are called semi-active schedules.
[5]Except if you see the disjunctive graph in the Gantt chart!
[6]An acyclic graph is a graph without cycle. It can be shown that a complete directed acyclic graph inducesa total order on its vertices, i.e. a complete directed acyclic graph lets you order all its vertices unequivocally.

Here is why. Consider the following situation

6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (86)

We have 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (87), 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (88) and 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (89). Addthese three inequalities and you obtain 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (90). This is impossible if one of the6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (91) is greater than 0 as every 6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (92).

[8]It is not obvious that this model produces optimal solutions that are feasible schedules but it canbe shown that it does.
[9]We copied the files abz9and 20_5_01_ta001.txt in the directory manual/tutorials/cplusplus/chap6 for your convenience.


[Garey1976]Garey, M. R., Johnson, D. S. and Sethi, R., The complexity of flowshop and jobshop scheduling,Mathematics of Operations Research, volume 1, pp 117-129, 1976.
[Kis2002]Kis, T., On the complexity of non-preemptive shop scheduling with two jobs, Computing, volume 69, nbr 1, pp 37-49,2002.
[Taillard1993]Taillard, E., 1993. Benchmarks for basic scheduling problems,European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 64(2), pages 278-285, January.
6.1. The Job-Shop Problem, the disjunctive model and benchmark data — or-tools User's Manual (2024)
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